Effect of hyperbaric exposure on pulmonary functions in hyperbaric chamber inside attendants.

L Demir, M Avci - Undersea & hyperbaric medicine, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
Objective: The objective of the study was to compare pulmonary function tests results of
hyperbaric chamber inside attendants (HCIAs) working in a hyperbaric chamber before and …

The effects of underwater diving on the lung function of divers in coastal areas of tourism destinations: A cross-sectional study in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

VR Danes, VJR Sumakud, JF Rumampuk… - … of Occupational and …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
North Sulawesi is renowned for its captivating underwater tourism, attracting SCUBA divers
and traditional divers. Given the potential impact of diving activities on lung function, this …

Spirometrische Befunde bei traditionellen Berufstauchern und Fischern in Südchile–eine Querschnittsstudie

L Mark - 2021 - edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de
Abstract Die Langzeiteffekte der Exposition von hyperbaren Umgebungsbedingungen auf
die Lungenfunktion sind Bestandteil wissenschaftlichen Diskussionen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war …