Crowdsourcing in ITS: The state of the work and the networking
In the last decade, crowdsourcing has emerged as a novel mechanism for accomplishing
temporal and spatial critical tasks in transportation with the collective intelligence of …
temporal and spatial critical tasks in transportation with the collective intelligence of …
Big data meet cyber-physical systems: A panoramic survey
The world is witnessing an unprecedented growth of cyber-physical systems (CPS), which
are foreseen to revolutionize our world via creating new services and applications in a …
are foreseen to revolutionize our world via creating new services and applications in a …
Understanding the spatial structure of urban commuting using mobile phone location data: a case study of Shenzhen, China
Understanding commuting patterns has been a classic research topic in the fields of
geography, transportation and urban planning, and it is significant for handling the …
geography, transportation and urban planning, and it is significant for handling the …
A scalable machine learning online service for big data real-time analysis
A Baldominos, E Albacete, Y Saez… - 2014 IEEE Symposium …, 2014 -
This work describes a proposal for developing and testing a scalable machine learning
architecture able to provide real-time predictions or analytics as a service over domain …
architecture able to provide real-time predictions or analytics as a service over domain …
Are crowdsourced datasets suitable for specialized routing services? Case study of OpenStreetMap for routing of people with limited mobility
Nowadays, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has increasingly gained
attractiveness to both amateur users and professionals. Using data generated from the …
attractiveness to both amateur users and professionals. Using data generated from the …
Enrichment of OpenStreetMap data completeness with sidewalk geometries using data mining techniques
Tailored routing and navigation services utilized by wheelchair users require certain
information about sidewalk geometries and their attributes to execute efficiently. Except …
information about sidewalk geometries and their attributes to execute efficiently. Except …
OpenStreetMap data quality enrichment through awareness raising and collective action tools—experiences from a European project
A Mobasheri, A Zipf, L Francis - Geo-Spatial Information Science, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Nowadays, several research projects show interest in employing volunteered geographic
information (VGI) to improve their systems through using up-to-date and detailed data. The …
information (VGI) to improve their systems through using up-to-date and detailed data. The …
A rule-based spatial reasoning approach for OpenStreetMap data quality enrichment; case study of routing and navigation
A Mobasheri - Sensors, 2017 -
Finding relevant geospatial information is increasingly critical because of the growing
volume of geospatial data available within the emerging “Big Data” era. Users are expecting …
volume of geospatial data available within the emerging “Big Data” era. Users are expecting …
Machine‐learning prediction models for pedestrian traffic flow levels: Towards optimizing walking routes for blind pedestrians
Navigation and orientation while walking in urban spaces pose serious challenges for blind
pedestrians, sometimes even on a daily basis. Research shows the practicability of …
pedestrians, sometimes even on a daily basis. Research shows the practicability of …
Using open street map data in environmental exposure assessment studies: Eastern Massachusetts, Bern region, and South Israel as a case study
I Kloog, LI Kaufman, K De Hoogh - International journal of environmental …, 2018 -
There is an increase in the awareness of the importance of spatial data in epidemiology and
exposure assessment (EA) studies. Most studies use governmental and ordnance surveys …
exposure assessment (EA) studies. Most studies use governmental and ordnance surveys …