Utility of GPS data for urban bicycle traffic planning in Germany: Potentiality, limitations and prospects
Planning bicycle infrastructure significantly depends on data that provide adequate
information. Various studies indicate that GPS data, which have been collected via …
information. Various studies indicate that GPS data, which have been collected via …
Bike Intelligence: Analyse von Radverkehrs-daten als Werkzeug für den ÖPNV
C Aberle, F Pühringer - … -Tage 2017: Digital und Disruptiv-Neue …, 2017 - books.google.com
Die Digitalisierung ermöglicht neue Formen vernetzter Mobilität. Der ÖPNV und der
Radverkehr haben die Chance, sich in Richtung eines „Digitalen Umweltverbundes “zu …
Radverkehr haben die Chance, sich in Richtung eines „Digitalen Umweltverbundes “zu …
[PDF][PDF] Potential and Limitation of Crowd-sourced GPS Data for Bicycle Transport Planning and Modelling
S Huber - researchgate.net
Society today is struggling with increasing negative effects of urban transport on people and
environment (eg air and noise pollution). In order to decrease these negative effects …
environment (eg air and noise pollution). In order to decrease these negative effects …