Tinjauan Pustaka Sistematis: Model Kemitraan antara SMK dengan Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Industri

AA Soleh, T Triyanto, P Parno, S Suharno… - JIPTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2023 - jurnal.uns.ac.id
Vocational education has a very important role in the national education system to create a
quality national workforce. One of the programs to increase the absorption of SMK graduates …

Analisis kerjasama sekolah dengan dunia usaha dan dunia industri dalam meningkatkan mutu lulusan sekolah menengah kejuruan

F Munthe, Y Mataputun - JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan …, 2021 - jurnal.iicet.org
This study aims to analyze the school's collaboration with industry and business community
(DU/DI) in improving the quality of Vocational High School (SMK) graduates. This study …

Strategi SMK dalam menjalin kerjasama reciprocal dengan industri dan dunia kerja

N Islamiah, N Hariyati, M Murtadlo - Jurnal Akuntabilitas …, 2022 - journal.uny.ac.id
Mismatch antara SMK dengan industri dan dunia kerja (IDUKA) merupakan masalah klasik
yang masih membumi hingga saat ini. Berbagai langkah berupaya dilakukan oleh SMK …

Implementation of the 8+ i link and match vocational school program

S Wahjusaputri, MA Rahmanto… - … of Education and …, 2024 - edulearn.intelektual.org
This research aims to create the 8+ i link and match model as an embodiment of a healthy
learning ecosystem between schools and the worlds of business and industry. The research …

[PDF][PDF] Dokumen Korespondensi Artikel IJERE

MI Dzulkurnain - 2024 - repository.upy.ac.id
Declaration of Revisions Page 1 International Journal of Evaluation and Research in
Education (IJERE) Vol. 99, No. 1, Month 2099, pp. 1~1x ISSN: 2252-8822, DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v99i1.paperID …

California Culinary School Graduates' Perspectives on Their Education Programs

R Baradaran - 2024 - search.proquest.com
The skills that culinary school graduates gain from the curriculum do not align with the
culinary industry requirements for their first position. This problem, if not addressed, will lead …

Membangun Sistem Monitoring yang Efeketif untuk Menjembatani Dunia Pendidikan dan Dunia Kerja

A Suparyati, I Widiastuti, IN Saputro - Social, Humanities, and Educational … - jurnal.uns.ac.id
Abstract Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) adalah bagian kurikulum pendidikan kejuruan di
SMK, Namun, pelaksanaannya sering menghadapi kendala, seperti komunikasi tidak …

[引用][C] Project-based Learning Model to Support 21st Century Learning: Case Studies in Vocational High Schools

MK Budiarto - Journal of Education Research and Evaluation, 2023


A Arfandi, AT Lopa - Jurnal Pensil: Pendidikan Teknik Sipil, 2024

[引用][C] The Vocational High School Partnership Program with Industrial and Business World to Improve Graduates' Quality

Y Suharyat, W Mulyawati - Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 2023