Knapsack problems—An overview of recent advances. Part II: Multiple, multidimensional, and quadratic knapsack problems
After the seminal books by Martello and Toth (1990) and Kellerer, Pferschy, and Pisinger
(2004), knapsack problems became a classical and rich research area in combinatorial …
(2004), knapsack problems became a classical and rich research area in combinatorial …
[HTML][HTML] A survey on mixed-integer programming techniques in bilevel optimization
Bilevel optimization is a field of mathematical programming in which some variables are
constrained to be the solution of another optimization problem. As a consequence, bilevel …
constrained to be the solution of another optimization problem. As a consequence, bilevel …
[HTML][HTML] A survey on bilevel optimization under uncertainty
Bilevel optimization is a very active field of applied mathematics. The main reason is that
bilevel optimization problems can serve as a powerful tool for modeling hierarchical …
bilevel optimization problems can serve as a powerful tool for modeling hierarchical …
A survey of network interdiction models and algorithms
This paper discusses the development of interdiction optimization models and algorithms,
with an emphasis on mathematical programming techniques and future research challenges …
with an emphasis on mathematical programming techniques and future research challenges …
Quantitative investigation of wildlife trafficking supply chains: A review
The illicit wildlife trade is a pervasive and global problem that has far-reaching impacts on
both society and the environment. Aside from threatening numerous species around the …
both society and the environment. Aside from threatening numerous species around the …
End-to-end stochastic optimization with energy-based model
Decision-focused learning (DFL) was recently proposed for stochastic optimization problems
that involve unknown parameters. By integrating predictive modeling with an implicitly …
that involve unknown parameters. By integrating predictive modeling with an implicitly …
An efficient population-based simulated annealing algorithm for 0–1 knapsack problem
1 knapsack problem (KP01) is one of the classic variants of knapsack problems in which the
aim is to select the items with the total profit to be in the knapsack. In contrast, the constraint …
aim is to select the items with the total profit to be in the knapsack. In contrast, the constraint …
[HTML][HTML] Solution techniques for bi-level knapsack problems
Traditional funding mechanisms for healthcare projects involve ranking the projects and
awarding funds based on their cost to benefit ratio. An alternative funding mechanism based …
awarding funds based on their cost to benefit ratio. An alternative funding mechanism based …
Computing feasible points of bilevel problems with a penalty alternating direction method
T Kleinert, M Schmidt - INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2021 -
Bilevel problems are highly challenging optimization problems that appear in many
applications of energy market design, critical infrastructure defense, transportation, pricing …
applications of energy market design, critical infrastructure defense, transportation, pricing …
The maximum clique interdiction problem
Given a graph G and an interdiction budget k, the Maximum Clique Interdiction Problem
asks to find a subset of at most k vertices to remove from G so that the size of the maximum …
asks to find a subset of at most k vertices to remove from G so that the size of the maximum …