Homogenization of composites with extended general interfaces: comprehensive review and unified modeling

S Firooz, P Steinmann, A Javili - Applied …, 2021 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Interphase regions that form in heterogeneous materials through various underlying
mechanisms such as poor mechanical or chemical adherence, roughness, and coating, play …

[PDF][PDF] A short introduction to basic aspects of continuum micromechanics

HJ Böhm - Cdl-fmd report, 1998 - ilsb.tuwien.ac.at
In the present report some basic issues of and some of the modeling strategies used for
studying static and quasistatic problems in continuum micromechanics of materials are …

Development and implementation of a micromechanically motivated cohesive zone model for ductile fracture

IT Tandogan, T Yalcinkaya - International Journal of Plasticity, 2022 - Elsevier
Gaining popularity after its coupling with the finite element method, cohesive zone modeling
has been used extensively to model fracture, especially in delamination problems. Its …

[HTML][HTML] On the realization of periodic boundary conditions for hexagonal unit cells

Y von Hoegen, S Hellebrand, L Scheunemann… - Finite Elements in …, 2024 - Elsevier
In the context of homogenization of micro-heterogeneous materials, the choice of the R
epresentative V olume E lement (RV E) plays a crucial role. For periodic microstructures, an …

Homogenization accounting for size effects in particulate composites due to general interfaces

S Firooz, G Chatzigeorgiou, F Meraghni, A Javili - Mechanics of Materials, 2019 - Elsevier
Two analytical approaches are developed to determine the overall size-dependent
response of composites embedding general interfaces. The first approach extends the …

Homogenized moduli and local stress fields of random fiber composites under homogeneous and periodic boundary conditions

S Yin, MJ Pindera - European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2022 - Elsevier
We incorporate homogeneous traction and displacement boundary conditions into a
recently proposed hybrid homogenization theory for unidirectional composites with random …

Understanding the role of general interfaces in the overall behavior of composites and size effects

S Firooz, A Javili - Computational Materials Science, 2019 - Elsevier
The objective of this contribution is to investigate the role of generalized interfaces in the
overall response of particulate composites and the associated size effects. Throughout this …

A multiscale experimental approach to characterize micro-to-macro transition length scale in polymer foams

B Koohbor, N Pagliocca, G Youssef - Mechanics of materials, 2021 - Elsevier
Bridging between micromechanics response and macroscopic behavior is at the core of
multiscale investigations in heterogeneous materials. As such, quantitative characterization …

Toward stochastic multiscale methods in continuum solid mechanics

L Noels - Advances in Applied Mechanics, 2022 - Elsevier
The scientific community has realized that nondeterminism is a major issue that affects
structural and material performance and reliability. Because experimental characterization …

On periodic boundary conditions and ergodicity in computational homogenization of heterogeneous materials with random microstructure

D Pivovarov, R Zabihyan, J Mergheim, K Willner… - Computer Methods in …, 2019 - Elsevier
Due to high computational costs associated with stochastic computational homogenization,
a highly complex random material microstructure is often replaced by simplified, parametric …