Ephemeral cartography: on mapping sound

P McMurray - Sound Studies, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
With the concurrent rise of internet cartography (eg Google Maps) and low-cost digital audio
recording devices, soundmapping has become a widespread phenomenon. But …

Compass roses on the Book of Navigation (Kitab-ı Bahriye): Declination data source for geomagnetic field models

I Yilmaz, M Gullu, M Yilmaz, MA Dereli - Physics of the Earth and Planetary …, 2010 - Elsevier
The Earth is surrounded by a geomagnetic field that is generated by dynamo processes in
the core like a gigantic magnet. The Earth's geomagnetic field shifts with time and location …

Geo-information heritage contained within Kitab-ı Bahriye (book of navigation): The Sicily Island

I Yilmaz - Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2016 - Elsevier
Historical cartography is a fundamental part of Cultural Heritage for its valuable content
related to spatial reference as well as its artistic value. The importance of cartographic …

A historical review of the geographical information on the source of the Nile contained within the 'Book of Navigation' (Kitab‐ı Bahriye)

I Yilmaz - Area, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The K itab‐ı B ahriye (B ook of N avigation), one of the leading works of P iri R eis, combines
numerous maps with geographic information relating to the coasts and islands of the M …

Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde bilgi iletişim teknolojilerinin akademik başarıya etkisi: Meta analiz çalışması

B Doğan, M Aşcı - Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Celal Bayar …, 2020 - ceeol.com
The aim of this study is to examine the effects of Information Communication Technologies
and traditional teaching methods on students' academic achievement scores in Social …

A cartographic analysis of Matrakci Nasuh's miniatures

HZ Selvi, G Bekiroglu Keskin - The Cartographic Journal, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Within Ottoman cartography, the maps of Piri Reis (1470–1553) are more widely known than
the miniature maps of Matrakci Nasuh (c. 1480–1564). The maps of Piri Reis are important …

[PDF][PDF] The urban cartography of Cyprus between the 16th and 20th centuries

MS Arkan - 2016 -
Since the late 15 th century, urban maps have illustrated with greater accuracy and
reliability, detailed information about cities and towns. Such maps, in addition to offering the …

Depiction of Bodrum Halicarnassus in the historical cartographic materials between 15th and 19th Centuries

B Beyhan, F Koca - GRID-Mimarlık Planlama ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
Historical cartographic materials provide us with significant evidence not only about the
evolution of spatial setting in a city and region, but also conception of it from different …

Eğitimde interaktif infografik kullanımının öğrenci başarı, tutum ve motivasyonuna etkisi

YS Yildirim - 2019 - acikbilim.yok.gov.tr
Bu çalışma, interaktif infografiklerin eğitimde kullanımının öğrenci akademik başarısı, derse
karşı tutumu ve motivasyonu üzerinde etkili olup olmadığını araştırmak üzere hazırlanmıştır …

América en la curiosidad otomana: para una perspectiva global de los descubrimientos

HGH Taboada - FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE … - revistafiguras.acatlan.unam.mx
América en la curiosidad otomana: para una perspectiva global de los descubrimientos |
FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN Ir al contenido principal Ir al menú de …