Celebrity influences on consumer decision making: New insights and research directions
Throughout human history, people have expressed admiration for heroes who possessed
extraordinary abilities and achieved superhuman goals. For many, modern-day celebrities …
extraordinary abilities and achieved superhuman goals. For many, modern-day celebrities …
The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements: a meta-analysis
Celebrities frequently endorse products, brands, political candidates, or health campaigns.
We investigated the effectiveness of such endorsements by meta-analyzing 46 studies …
We investigated the effectiveness of such endorsements by meta-analyzing 46 studies …
Fifty years of celebrity endorser research: Support for a comprehensive celebrity endorsement strategy framework
C Schimmelpfennig, JB Hunt - Psychology & Marketing, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Half a century of research on celebrity endorsement has led to the advancement of four
grand celebrity endorsement theories. Most scholars have adopted the meaning transfer …
grand celebrity endorsement theories. Most scholars have adopted the meaning transfer …
The antecedents and consequences of brand personality: A systematic review
Purpose The topic of brand personality (BP) has received extensive research attention in the
last 2 decades, with a particular focus on examining its antecedents and consequences …
last 2 decades, with a particular focus on examining its antecedents and consequences …
Meaning transfer in celebrity endorsement and co-branding: meaning valence, association type, and brand awareness
Building upon the theory of meaning transfer, this study examines how non-evaluative
associations, negative (eg crazy) and positive (eg brave), are transferred from celebrities to …
associations, negative (eg crazy) and positive (eg brave), are transferred from celebrities to …
The complex triad of congruence issues in influencer marketing
W von Mettenheim… - Journal of Consumer …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Finding a fitting endorser has proven to be one of the most delicate and critical tasks of
influencer marketing. This research explores the relevance of the congruency of the …
influencer marketing. This research explores the relevance of the congruency of the …
Rise of the brand ambassador: Social stake, corporate social responsibility and influence among the social media influencers
BG Smith, MC Kendall, D Knighton… - Communication …, 2018 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak One of social media's influences on public relations has been the connection they
provide organizations with stakeholder groups, and the need to recognize new and …
provide organizations with stakeholder groups, and the need to recognize new and …
Co-branding research: where we are and where we could go from here
C Pinello, PM Picone, AML Destri - European Journal of Marketing, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The motivations behind co-branding alliances, the differences in performance
between the paired brands and the emergence of “spillover effects” have been pillars of the …
between the paired brands and the emergence of “spillover effects” have been pillars of the …
Influencers as ideological intermediaries: Promotional politics and authenticity labour in influencer collaborations
J Arnesson - Media, culture & society, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Though politics and promotion have never been completely separate, the convergence
between the two spheres is increasingly prominent in today's digital culture. To broaden our …
between the two spheres is increasingly prominent in today's digital culture. To broaden our …
Sports celebrity personality and purchase intention: the role of endorser-brand congruence, brand credibility and brand image transfer
Purpose This study aims to examine the influence of five sports celebrity personality (SCP)
attributes–attractiveness, expertise level, credibility, trustworthiness and character–on …
attributes–attractiveness, expertise level, credibility, trustworthiness and character–on …