Quantum speedup of Monte Carlo methods

A Montanaro - Proceedings of the Royal Society A …, 2015 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Monte Carlo methods use random sampling to estimate numerical quantities which are hard
to compute deterministically. One important example is the use in statistical physics of …

[图书][B] Scaling limits of interacting particle systems

C Kipnis, C Landim - 2013 - books.google.com
The idea of writing up a book on the hydrodynamic behavior of interacting particle systems
was born after a series of lectures Claude Kipnis gave at the University of Paris 7 in the …

Monte Carlo methods in statistical mechanics: foundations and new algorithms

A Sokal - Functional integration: Basics and applications, 1997 - Springer

On Mixing of Markov Chains: Coupling, Spectral Independence, and Entropy Factorization∗

A Blanca, P Caputo, Z Chen, D Parisi… - Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022 - SIAM
For general spin systems, we prove that a contractive coupling for an arbitrary local Markov
chain implies optimal bounds on the mixing time and the modified log-Sobolev constant for a …

Efficiently learning Ising models on arbitrary graphs

G Bresler - Proceedings of the forty-seventh annual ACM …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
graph underlying an Ising model from iid samples. Over the last fifteen years this problem
has been of significant interest in the statistics, machine learning, and statistical physics …

Counting independent sets up to the tree threshold

D Weitz - Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual ACM …, 2006 - dl.acm.org
Consider the problem of approximately counting weighted independent sets of a graph G
with activity λ, ie, where the weight of an independent set I is λ| I|. We present a novel …

[PS][PS] Lectures on Glauber dynamics for discrete spin models

F Martinelli - Lectures on probability theory and statistics …, 1999 - kleine.mat.uniroma3.it
These notes have been the subject of a course I gave in the summer 1997 for the school in
probability theory in Saint Flour. I review in a self {contained way the state of the art …

Computational transition at the uniqueness threshold

A Sly - 2010 IEEE 51st Annual Symposium on Foundations of …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The hardcore model is a model of lattice gas systems which has received much attention in
statistical physics, probability theory and theoretical computer science. It is the probability …

Lectures on logarithmic Sobolev inequalities

A Guionnet, B Zegarlinksi - Séminaire de probabilités XXXVI, 2003 - Springer
Contents. Introduction Chapter 1. Markov semi-groups 1.1 Markov semi-groups and
Generators 1.2 Invariant measures of a semi-group 1.3 Markov processes Chapter 2 …

PEPS as unique ground states of local Hamiltonians

D Perez-Garcia, F Verstraete, JI Cirac… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2007 - arxiv.org
In this paper we consider projected entangled pair states (PEPS) on arbitrary lattices. We
construct local parent Hamiltonians for each PEPS and isolate a condition under which the …