Optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations with non-smooth pointwise-integral control constraints in time-space

E Casas, K Kunisch - Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 2022 - Springer
This work concentrates on a class of optimal control problems for semilinear parabolic
equations subject to control constraint of the form‖ u (t)‖ L 1 (Ω)≤ γ for t∈(0, T). This limits …

Experimental design for linear functionals in reproducing kernel hilbert spaces

M Mutny, A Krause - Advances in Neural Information …, 2022 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Optimal experimental design seeks to determine the most informative allocation of
experiments to infer an unknown statistical quantity. In this work, we investigate optimal …

Where did the tumor start? An inverse solver with sparse localization for tumor growth models

S Subramanian, K Scheufele, M Mehl… - Inverse problems, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
We present a numerical scheme for solving an inverse problem for parameter estimation in
tumor growth models for glioblastomas, a form of aggressive primary brain tumor. The …

Asymptotic linear convergence of fully-corrective generalized conditional gradient methods

K Bredies, M Carioni, S Fanzon, D Walter - Mathematical Programming, 2024 - Springer
We propose a fully-corrective generalized conditional gradient method (FC-GCG) for the
minimization of the sum of a smooth, convex loss function and a convex one-homogeneous …

Towards optimal sensor placement for inverse problems in spaces of measures

PT Huynh, K Pieper, D Walter - Inverse Problems, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
The objective of this work is to quantify the reconstruction error in sparse inverse problems
with measures and stochastic noise, motivated by optimal sensor placement. To be useful in …

A two-stage numerical approach for the sparse initial source identification of a diffusion–advection equation

U Biccari, Y Song, X Yuan, E Zuazua - Inverse Problems, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the problem of identifying a sparse initial source condition to achieve a given
state distribution of a diffusion–advection partial differential equation after a given final time …

Linear convergence of accelerated conditional gradient algorithms in spaces of measures

K Pieper, D Walter - ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of …, 2021 - esaim-cocv.org
A class of generalized conditional gradient algorithms for the solution of optimization
problem in spaces of Radon measures is presented. The method iteratively inserts …

Maximal regularity of multistep fully discrete finite element methods for parabolic equations

B Li - IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2022 - academic.oup.com
This article extends the semidiscrete maximal-regularity results in Li (2019, Analyticity,
maximal regularity and maximum-norm stability of semi-discrete finite element solutions of …

Sparse optimization problems in fractional order Sobolev spaces

H Antil, D Wachsmuth - arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.11456, 2022 - arxiv.org
We consider optimization problems in the fractional order Sobolev spaces $ H^ s (\Omega)
$, $ s\in (0, 1) $, with sparsity promoting objective functionals containing $ L^ p …

Error estimates for finite element discretizations of the instationary Navier–Stokes equations

B Vexler, J Wagner - ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and …, 2024 - esaim-m2an.org
In this work we consider the two dimensional instationary Navier–Stokes equations with
homogeneous Dirichlet/no-slip boundary conditions. We show error estimates for the fully …