Identification and geovisualization of morphological-hydrographic changes in the area of the open pit" Turija"
In this paper morphological-hydrographic changes in the area of the coal open pit" Turija" in
Banovići basin (north-eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina) are researched. The study was …
Banovići basin (north-eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina) are researched. The study was …
Concept of tourist and economic regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina with special reference to the Tuzla tourist-geographic region in the area of Northern …
S Nezirović, N Drešković, R Mirić - Journal for Geography, 2018 -
In this paper, the authors work on the basis of the present knowledge, especially in the
interest of realization of the concept of long-term development of tourism, to point out the …
interest of realization of the concept of long-term development of tourism, to point out the …
Geographic Regionalization and Regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of this chapter is to present the issues of geographical regionalization and the
modern regional geographical structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Research on the …
modern regional geographical structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Research on the …
[PDF][PDF] Tourism potentials of selected medieval fortresses in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The medieval heritage in the context of cultural and historical tourism in Bosnia and
Herzegovina is often neglected, but the practice of other European countries shows that this …
Herzegovina is often neglected, but the practice of other European countries shows that this …
Positioning of regional geography in the modern system of geographical sciences
The main objective of this study is to provide a critical insight into the position of regional
geography in modern geosciences, ie to examine the epistemological, methodological …
geography in modern geosciences, ie to examine the epistemological, methodological …
Geographical characteristics of the Una-Sana mesoregion
S Nezirović, B Durmišević - Journal for Geography, 2021 -
Last geographically relevant attempt of adequate territorial differentiation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, based on the principles of complex geographical homogeneity, represents …
Herzegovina, based on the principles of complex geographical homogeneity, represents …
[PDF][PDF] Identification and geovisualization of morphological-hydrographic characteristics of the Jala River Basin.
The paper identifies and geovisualizes the morphological and hydrographic features of the
Jala River Basin. Based on the AW3D30 Digital Surface Model, released in 2018 by the …
Jala River Basin. Based on the AW3D30 Digital Surface Model, released in 2018 by the …
H Dominika -
Táblázatok jegyzéke 1. táblázat: A népesedési mérleg 39 2. táblázat: Bosznia-Hercegovina
makro-és mezorégiói 49 3. táblázat: Bosznia-Hercegovina területi és népességi adatai …
makro-és mezorégiói 49 3. táblázat: Bosznia-Hercegovina területi és népességi adatai …
[PDF][PDF] Bosznia-Hercegovina regionális anatómiája, avagy a népesség területi dimenziói a regionalizáció tükrében
H Dominika - 2015 -
Táblázatok jegyzéke 1. táblázat: A népesedési mérleg 39 2. táblázat: Bosznia-Hercegovina
makro-és mezorégiói 49 3. táblázat: Bosznia-Hercegovina területi és népességi adatai …
makro-és mezorégiói 49 3. táblázat: Bosznia-Hercegovina területi és népességi adatai …
Bosznia-Hercegovina Regionális Anatómiája, Avagy a Népesség Területi Dimenziói a Regionalizáció Tükrében
D Horváth - 2014 -
A regionalizáció elméletét sokan és sokféleképpen dolgozták ki, annak függvényében, hogy
milyen cél által vezérieve kívánták felosztani az adott teret. Azonban, függetlenül attól, hogy …
milyen cél által vezérieve kívánták felosztani az adott teret. Azonban, függetlenül attól, hogy …