Connecting the nonsingular origin of the universe, the vacuum structure and the cosmological constant problem

EI Guendelman, P Labrana - International Journal of Modern …, 2013 - World Scientific
We consider a nonsingular origin for the universe starting from an Einstein static universe,
the so-called" emergent universe" scenario, in the framework of a theory which uses two …

Inflation and transition to a slowly accelerating phase from SSB of scale invariance

EI Guendelman, O Katz - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2003 -
We consider the effects of adding a scale-invariant R 2 term to the action of the scale-
invariant model (SIM) studied previously by one of us (Guendelman EI 1999 Mod. Phys. Lett …

Unifying inflation with early and late dark energy with multiple fields: Spontaneously broken scale invariant two measures theory

E Guendelman, R Herrera, D Benisty - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
A unified multiscalar field model with three flat regions is discussed. The three flat regions
are the inflation, early-and late dark energy epochs. The potential is obtained by a …

Trace anomaly on a quantum spacetime manifold

E Spallucci, A Smailagic, P Nicolini - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields …, 2006 - APS
In this paper we investigate the trace anomaly in a space-time where single events are
delocalized as a consequence of short distance quantum coordinate fluctuations. We obtain …

String and brane models with spontaneously or dynamically induced tension

EI Guendelman, A Kaganovich, E Nissimov, S Pacheva - Physical Review D, 2002 - APS
We study in some detail the properties of a previously proposed new class of string and
brane models whose world-sheet (world-volume) actions are built with a modified …

Emerging universe from scale invariance

S Del Campo, EI Guendelman, R Herrera… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2010 -
We consider a scale invariant model which includes a R 2 term in action and show that a
stable``emerging universe''scenario is possible. The model belongs to the general class of …

Absence of the fifth force problem in a model with spontaneously broken dilatation symmetry

EI Guendelman, AB Kaganovich - Annals of Physics, 2008 - Elsevier
A scale invariant model containing dilaton ϕ and dust (as a model of matter) is studied
where the shift symmetry ϕ→ ϕ+ const. is spontaneously broken at the classical level due to …

Fine-tuning free paradigm of two-measures theory: -essence, absence of initial singularity <?format ?>of the curvature, and inflation with graceful exit to the zero …

EI Guendelman, AB Kaganovich - … Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2007 - APS
The dilaton-gravity sector of the two-measures field theory (TMT) is explored in detail in the
context of spatially flat Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology. The model …

Scale symmetry breaking from the dynamics of maximal rank gauge field strengths

EI Guendelman - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2004 - World Scientific
Scale invariant theories which contain maximal rank gauge field strengths (of D indices in D
dimensions) are studied. The integration of the equations of motion of these gauge fields …

Exotic low density fermion states in the two measures field theory: Neutrino dark energy

EI Guendelman, AB Kaganovich - International Journal of Modern …, 2006 - World Scientific
There exist field theory models where the fermionic energy–momentum tensor contains a
term proportional to which may contribute to the dark energy. We show that this new field …