[HTML][HTML] Human–robot collaboration in industrial environments: A literature review on non-destructive disassembly

S Hjorth, D Chrysostomou - Robotics and Computer-Integrated …, 2022 - Elsevier
Nowadays, numerous companies and industries introduce recycling processes in their
production, aiming to increase the sustainable use of the planet's natural resources …

Internet of robotic things in smart domains: Applications and challenges

L Romeo, A Petitti, R Marani, A Milella - Sensors, 2020 - mdpi.com
With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Internet of Things (IoT) and robotic
systems are closely cooperating, reshaping their relations and managing to develop new …

Outlook on human-centric manufacturing towards Industry 5.0

Y Lu, H Zheng, S Chand, W Xia, Z Liu, X Xu… - Journal of Manufacturing …, 2022 - Elsevier
The recent shift to wellbeing, sustainability, and resilience under Industry 5.0 has prompted
formal discussions that manufacturing should be human-centric–placing the wellbeing of …

Gaze360: Physically unconstrained gaze estimation in the wild

P Kellnhofer, A Recasens, S Stent… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 - openaccess.thecvf.com
Understanding where people are looking is an informative social cue. In this work, we
present Gaze360, a large-scale remote gaze-tracking dataset and method for robust 3D …

Synergy between 3dmm and 3d landmarks for accurate 3d facial geometry

CY Wu, Q Xu, U Neumann - 2021 International Conference on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This work studies learning from a synergy process of 3D Morphable Models (3DMM) and 3D
facial landmarks to predict complete 3D facial geometry, including 3D alignment, face …

[HTML][HTML] Opportunities for using eye tracking technology in manufacturing and logistics: Systematic literature review and research agenda

T Zheng, CH Glock, EH Grosse - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
Workers play essential roles in manufacturing and logistics. Releasing workers from routine
tasks and enabling them to focus on creative, value-adding activities can enhance their …

Humanizing human-robot interaction: On the importance of mutual understanding

A Sciutti, M Mara, V Tagliasco… - IEEE Technology and …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In conjunction with what is often called the industry 4.0, the new machine age, or the rise of
the robots, the authors of this paper have each experienced the following phenomenon. At …

Interactive visual grounding of referring expressions for human-robot interaction

M Shridhar, D Hsu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.03831, 2018 - arxiv.org
This paper presents INGRESS, a robot system that follows human natural language
instructions to pick and place everyday objects. The core issue here is the grounding of …

Embodied communication: How robots and people communicate through physical interaction

A Kalinowska, PM Pilarski… - Annual review of control …, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Early research on physical human–robot interaction (pHRI) has necessarily focused on
device design—the creation of compliant and sensorized hardware, such as exoskeletons …

Bi-directional navigation intent communication using spatial augmented reality and eye-tracking glasses for improved safety in human–robot interaction

RT Chadalavada, H Andreasson, M Schindler… - Robotics and Computer …, 2020 - Elsevier
Safety, legibility and efficiency are essential for autonomous mobile robots that interact with
humans. A key factor in this respect is bi-directional communication of navigation intent …