User profile based speech to text conversion for visual voice mail

V Shaw, RZ Evora - US Patent 8,358,752, 2013 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Visual Voicemail (VVM) displays messages in a graphical form and allows
users to choose which message to listen to, and provides options to delete, save, or …

Spot dialog editor

ME Phillips, G Lea - US Patent 8,572,488, 2013 - Google Patents
Automated methods are used to augment an original script of a time-based media program
that contains speech with timing metadata and an indication of a confidence level with which …

Methods and systems for managing telecommunications and for translating voice messages to text messages

A Bladon, D Giannini, DF Hofstatter, C Kelley… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data processing system coupled to a telecommunications network
(60) Provisional application No. 60/914,172, filed on Apr. receives a call from a caller …

System for annotating media content for automatic content understanding

ED Petajan, S Sadanand, THT Hwang - US Patent 10,491,961, 2019 - Google Patents
A method to correct for temporal variability in incoming streams of media and data to
optimize the performance of a pattern recognition system includes the steps of receiving …

Caption extraction and analysis

MW Homyack, RT Polumbus… - US Patent 10,225,625, 2019 - Google Patents
Methods and systems are disclosed for real-time metatag ging and captioning of an event
and caption extraction and analysis for such event. The method for the real-time …

Methods and systems for managing telecommunications and for translating voice messages to text messages

A Bladon, D Giannini, DF Hofstatter, C Kelley… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
Systems and methods that can be utilized to convert a voice communication received over a
telecommunication network to text are described. In an illustrative embodiment, a call …

Offline voicemail

S Seetharaman, MK Higashi, S Nalliah, JT Flint… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Voicemail is a system for managing telephone messages. Conventional
systems are problematic from a recipient expe rience perspective in a number of instances …

Offline voicemail

S Seetharaman, MK Higashi, S Nalliah, JT Flint… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
6,219,646 6,633,630 6,775,360 7,545,784 7,640,233 7,725,098 8,284,909 8,335,689
2002fO154745 2003/0177008 2003/0228863 2004/01O2957 2005/0O2. 1339 …

Methods and systems for interfaces allowing limited edits to transcripts

S Hoeg - US Patent 8,972,269, 2015 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND A transcript comprises a textual record of words that are uttered by one or
more speakers or are otherwise audible. A transcript based on one or more audio …

Method and system for segmenting and transmitting on-demand live-action video in real-time

DW Vunic, E Hoffert, D Gessel - US Patent 10,102,430, 2018 - Google Patents
A method and system for producing video-segments of a live-action event involving
monitoring a live-action event for detection of event-segments, detecting one or more event …