[HTML][HTML] A workforce to be reckoned with: The emerging pivotal Generation Z hospitality workforce

E Goh, C Lee - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2018 - Elsevier
Despite the “perfect storm” of older employees leaving the workforce and younger hospitality
employees entering the hospitality industry, there has not been a single study in the …

A study on generational differences in work values and person-organization fit and its effect on turnover intention of Generation Y in India

N Rani, A Samuel - Management Research Review, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into differences in work values
and Person–Organisation (P–O) fit of Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y in India and to …

Talent management: A Delphi study of assessing and developing GenZ hospitality leaders

TT Self, S Gordon, PM Jolly - International Journal of Contemporary …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to examine how hospitality human resource (HR) professionals
assess talent when recruiting college students, how MIT programs are structured and how …

[PDF][PDF] Definitions of meaningful work for Generation X and Millennial cuspers

B Van Hyatt - Journal of Human Resource Management, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Objective: In today's multigenerational workforce, organizational leaders continuously seek
methods to retain valued employees. Employees who perceive their work-related values are …

Generational differences in relationship between prosocial identity fit and affective commitment

N Rani, AA Samuel - International Journal of Organization Theory & …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the generational differences in the
relationship between Person–Organization (PO) fit of prosocial identity and affective …

Using an Innovative Intervention to Promote Active Learning in an Introductory Microbiology Course.

H Bull, K Premkumar, JW Acharibasam - … for the Scholarship of Teaching and …, 2020 - ERIC
We found that actively engaging students in our introductory microbiology course was a
challenge given our large class sizes and many non-majors taking the course as a program …

[PDF][PDF] Does Study Skill Matter? A Descriptive Study on Undergraduate Health Profession Students in the University of the West Indies.

N Dwarika-Bhagat, B Sa… - Education in Medicine …, 2017 - researchgate.net
Introduction: Academic success requires students to evolve good study skills, time
management and reducing distractions. As students in medical education are adult learners …

Analyzing Internet Use Of Students in Learning English Through Their Learning Approach at IAIN Bukittinggi

V Roza, RF Yenti - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
The research was due to several problems found in the field; Most of students used internet
in learning English and doing tasks. However, some of them were not able to explain their …

El micromachismo, una asignatura pendiente en la universidad

C Marín-Palacios… - Aula de …, 2022 - revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es
Este artículo parte de la inquietud docente de fomentar el pensamientocrítico a través del
conocimiento cooperativo en el aula. El objetivo espresentar, como experiencia docente, un …

Cultural influences on academic sharing: A challenge to academic honesty

ND Albers, TL Knotts - Handbook of Research on Cross-Cultural …, 2019 - igi-global.com
The purpose of this chapter is to examine student perspectives on academic sharing, in both
online and face-to-face higher educational settings, focusing on generational and cross …