Werbalne i niewerbalne symptomy kłamstwa w oczach policjantów oraz psychologów

J Widacki, N Mirska, M Wrońska - Przegląd bezpieczeństwa …, 2012 - infona.pl
W artykule omówiono badania, których celem było sprawdzenie, jak wybrani respondenci–
psycholodzy i policjanci–oceniają diagnostyczność symptomów kłamstwa. Ocenie poddano …

Teachers' beliefs about cues to deception and the ability to detect deceit

J Ulatowska - Educational Psychology, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This study aimed to test beliefs about cues to deception and the ability to detect lies in a
group of teachers with different teaching experience. Their results were compared with the …

[PDF][PDF] The influence of providing the context of the assessment on the accuracy of the indirect method of deception detection

J Ulatowska - Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2010 - researchgate.net
Ab stract The aim of the study was to pro vide fur ther ev i dence of the ac cu racy of in di rect
de cep tion de tec tion mea sures and to test the effects of in form ing those en gaged in de …

[PDF][PDF] Knowledge of cues to deception–looking for its determinants

J Ulatowska - Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2009 - researchgate.net
Ab stract In the two stud ies pre sented here, we ex am ine the de clar a tive knowl edge of
cues to de cep tion. The main pur pose of these stud ies is test ing the hy poth e sis that mem …

Aktualne trendy w psychologicznych badaniach nad kłamstwem

W Wypler - Prace Instytutu Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji, 2009 - ceeol.com
W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane aktualne trendy w psychologicznych badaniach nad
kłamstwem. Zreferowano wyniki badań autorów polskich, którzy weryfikowali i rozszerzali …

[PDF][PDF] The Relationship between knowledge of cues to deception and the ability to detect deceit

J ULATOWSKA - Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2011 - researchgate.net
Ab stract The cur rent study at tempts to test the re la tion ship be tween the ac cu racy of
knowl edge of cues to de cep tion and the abil ity to detect de ceit. One-hun dred and one-ob …

Verbal and Non-verbal Symptoms of Deception in the Eyes of Policemen and Psychologists

J Widacki, N Mirska, M Wrońska - European Polygraph, 2019 - ceeol.com
The objective of the study was to test how selected respondents (psychologists and police
officers) evaluate the diagnostic value of symptoms (cues) of deception listed in literature on …

The lie as an indicator of social maladjustment of young people

J Florczykiewicz, L Pytka - Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych (Educational …, 2020 - apcz.umk.pl
The aim of the study was to compare views and attitudes towards lies held by Polish
teenagers who were properly socialized and socially maladjusted (179 people). The …