[HTML][HTML] Temperature variability at local scale in the Bordeaux area. Relations with environmental factors and impact on vine phenology

L De Rességuier, S Mary, R Le Roux… - Frontiers in plant …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Climate is a major factor of the physical environment influencing terroir expression in
viticulture. Thermal conditions strongly impact vine development and grape composition …

[PDF][PDF] Long time series spatialized data for urban climatological studies: a case study of Paris, France Long time series spatialized data for urban climatological …

B Le Roy, A Lemonsu, R Kounkoud‐arnaud… - International Journal of …, 2019 - hal.science
Historically, the urban climate and its interaction with regional environment and largerscale
meteorological phenomena have been studied by comparing weather stations in urban and …

Solid precipitation and its relationship with the Hess and Brezowsky classification: case in the French department of the Alpes-Maritimes

G Guerin, N Martin - Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology, 2023 - Springer
The study combined the observations of the 24-h solid precipitation (SP) measured by 5
weather stations located in the French department of the Alpes-Maritimes and the daily …

[HTML][HTML] Agent-based modelling of the evolution of hydro-sedimentary connectivity: The case of flash floods on arable plateaus

MM Rakotoarisoa, R Reulier, D Delahaye - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
Land use and landscape structure play an important role in the functioning of flash floods on
the arable plateaus of northern France. Landscape structures have changed considerably …

European cold wave during February 2012 and impacts in wine growing regions of Moldavia (Romania)

O Planchon, H Quénol, L Irimia, C Patriche - Theoretical and Applied …, 2015 - Springer
A severe cold wave hits a large part of Europe between late January and mid-February 2012
and caused damages in the vineyard of Moldavia in Northeastern Romania. During the cold …

[HTML][HTML] Caractéristiques des «crues rapides» du nord de la France (Bassin parisien) et risques associés

J Douvinet, D Delahaye - … relief, processus, environnement, 2010 - journals.openedition.org
Les «crues rapides» qui naissent dans des «vallons secs» en périodes printanière et
estivale (mai-août) dans les régions de plateaux du nord de la France (Bassin parisien) …

Analysis and quantification of potential consequences in multirisk coastal context at different spatial scales (Normandy, France)

K Graff, C Lissak, Y Thiery, O Maquaire, S Costa… - Natural Hazards, 2019 - Springer
Coastal environment with high interaction between nature and societies is subject to multi-
hazard interaction such as landslides, flood or cliff retreat. These territories are characterized …

[HTML][HTML] Impact de la topographie et de la circulation atmosphérique sur l'îlot de chaleur urbain en situation de canicule (Dijon, France)

J Crétat, Y Richard, O Planchon, J Emery… - …, 2023 - climatology.edpsciences.org
Canicules et fortes chaleurs induisent un stress thermique potentiellement accru en milieu
urbain. Nous examinons ici la combinaison de ces différents éléments à Dijon, à partir d'un …

La simulation comme outil d'anticipation des crues rapides dans les petits bassins versants en Seine-Maritime.

J Douvinet, F Mallet, A Escudier… - Revue …, 2015 - search.ebscohost.com
Ce travail propose de simuler l'apparition probable des crues rapides aux exutoires de
nombreux bassins versants (148), de petite taille (< 20 km2) en intégrant des données …

Méthodologie d'étude des impacts du changement climatique sur la ville par descente d'échelle statistico-dynamique: application à la région parisienne

B Le Roy - 2021 - theses.hal.science
Par ses caractéristiques physiques et géométriques, l'environnement urbain représente une
modification profonde du milieu naturel. Ces transformations engendrent des impacts …