The progress in the studies of mode interaction in gyrotrons

SP Sabchevski, MY Glyavin, GS Nusinovich - Journal of Infrared …, 2022 - Springer
The studies on mode interaction in gyrotrons had always been an active field of research
due to their theoretical and practical importance for better understanding of the underlying …

Demonstration of a selective oversized cavity in a terahertz second-harmonic gyrotron

IV Bandurkin, AP Fokin, MY Glyavin… - IEEE Electron …, 2020 -
A method of increasing the selectivity of highly-oversized open cavities is experimentally
demonstrated in the electron cyclotron maser (gyrotron) operating at the second cyclotron …

Third-harmonic 1 THz large-orbit gyrotron with an improved quasi-regular cavity

YK Kalynov, IV Bandurkin, IV Osharin… - IEEE Electron Device …, 2023 -
A pulsed third-cyclotron-harmonic large-orbit gyrotron (LOG) operating with a radiation
power of 0.4 kW at a frequency of 1 THz was implemented in 2008 in the 80 kV/0.7 …

Mode selective azimuthally asymmetric cavity for terahertz gyrotrons

IV Bandurkin, GI Kalynova, YK Kalynov… - … on Electron Devices, 2020 -
A method of improving the selectivity of open cavities of electron cyclotron masers
(gyrotrons) operating at high cyclotron harmonics in the terahertz frequency range is …

Development of third-harmonic 1.2-THz gyrotron with intentionally increased velocity spread of electrons

I Bandurkin, A Fedotov, M Glyavin… - … on Electron Devices, 2020 -
We develop the concept of a continuous wave (CW) 1.185 THz (wavelength about 250-μm)
gyrotron with an output power of several watts, intended for dynamic nuclear polarization …

Spurious fundamental-harmonic oscillations in the horn section of a high-harmonic gyrotron

YM Guznov, YK Kalynov, IV Osharin… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 -
In the experiments with a 30 keV/0.7 A sub-terahertz (THz) large-orbit gyrotron operating at
the third cyclotron harmonic in the continuous-wave regime, it was found that the presence …

Parasitic excitation of fundamental-cyclotron-harmonic waves in high-harmonic gyrotrons

YK Kalynov, AV Savilov, ES Semenov - Physics of Plasmas, 2021 -
A typical problem of the development of high-harmonic short-wavelength gyrotrons, namely,
the competition between the operating wave and a parasitic fundamental-harmonic wave, is …

Self-consistent modeling of beam-wave interaction in complex gyrotron cavities with azimuthal slots

VI Shcherbinin, TI Tkachova, M Thumm… - 2022 IEEE 2nd …, 2022 -
A fast theoretical approach is extended to take into account mode conversion induced by an
azimuthal slot in a complex gyrotron cavity excited by a helical electron beam. As an …

Terahertz gyrotrons with unique parameters

MY Glyavin, GG Denisov - 2018 43rd International Conference …, 2018 -
Development of high power THz sources play important role for development advance
technologies in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine. The main goal of this report is present …

Selective Photonic-Structure Cavity for High-Cyclotron-Harmonic Gyrotrons

A Savilov, D Shchegolkov - Photonics, 2022 -
Typically, cavities of sub-terahertz electron cyclotron masers (gyrotrons) have oversized
dimensions. That leads to a problem of the dense mode spectrum and, as a result, to a …