A survey of covert channels and countermeasures in computer network protocols

S Zander, G Armitage, P Branch - … Communications Surveys & …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Covert channels are used for the secret transfer of information. Encryption only protects
communication from being decoded by unauthorised parties, whereas covert channels aim …

A review on machine learning–based approaches for Internet traffic classification

O Salman, IH Elhajj, A Kayssi, A Chehab - Annals of Telecommunications, 2020 - Springer
Traffic classification acquired the interest of the Internet community early on. Different
approaches have been proposed to classify Internet traffic to manage both security and …

A survey of securing networks using software defined networking

ST Ali, V Sivaraman, A Radford… - IEEE transactions on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is rapidly emerging as a new paradigm for managing
and controlling the operation of networks ranging from the data center to the core …

The parrot is dead: Observing unobservable network communications

A Houmansadr, C Brubaker… - 2013 IEEE Symposium …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In response to the growing popularity of Tor and other censorship circumvention systems,
censors in non-democratic countries have increased their technical capabilities and can …

Stegotorus: a camouflage proxy for the tor anonymity system

Z Weinberg, J Wang, V Yegneswaran… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 - dl.acm.org
Internet censorship by governments is an increasingly common practice worldwide. Internet
users and censors are locked in an arms race: as users find ways to evade censorship …

[PDF][PDF] HTTPOS: Sealing Information Leaks with Browser-side Obfuscation of Encrypted Flows.

X Luo, P Zhou, EWW Chan, W Lee, RKC Chang… - NDSS, 2011 - academia.edu
Leakage of private information from web applications—even when the traffic is encrypted—
is a major security threat to many applications that use HTTP for data delivery. This paper …

Telex: Anticensorship in the network infrastructure

E Wustrow, S Wolchok, I Goldberg… - 20th USENIX Security …, 2011 - usenix.org
In this paper, we present Telex, a new approach to resisting state-level Internet censorship.
Rather than attempting to win the cat-and-mouse game of finding open proxies, we leverage …

Evading censorship with browser-based proxies

D Fifield, N Hardison, J Ellithorpe, E Stark… - … Symposium, PETS 2012 …, 2012 - Springer
While Internet access to certain sites is blocked in some parts of the world, these restrictions
are often circumvented using proxies outside the censored region. Often these proxies are …

Protocol misidentification made easy with format-transforming encryption

KP Dyer, SE Coull, T Ristenpart… - Proceedings of the 2013 …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Deep packet inspection (DPI) technologies provide much-needed visibility and control of
network traffic using port-independent protocol identification, where a network flow is …

[PDF][PDF] Decoy routing: Toward unblockable internet communication

J Karlin, D Ellard, AW Jackson, CE Jones… - USENIX workshop on …, 2011 - usenix.org
We present decoy routing, a mechanism capable of circumventing common network filtering
strategies. Unlike other circumvention techniques, decoy routing does not require a client to …