Sentence similarity detection in Malayalam language using cosine similarity

PP Gokul, BK Akhil, KKM Shiva - 2017 2nd IEEE International …, 2017 -
Identifying paraphrase in Malayalam language is difficult task because it is a highly
agglutinative language and the linguistic structure in Malayalam language is complex …

Deep paraphrase detection in indian languages

R Bhargava, G Sharma, Y Sharma - Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM …, 2017 -
This paper presents an approach to the problem of paraphrase identification in English and
Indian languages using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Recurrent Neural …

Tamil paraphrase detection using encoder-decoder neural networks

B Senthil Kumar, D Thenmozhi, S Kayalvizhi - … Intelligence in Data Science …, 2020 - Springer
Detecting paraphrases in Indian languages require critical analysis on the lexical, syntactic
and semantic features. Since the structure of Indian languages differ from the other …

Paraphrase identification of Marathi sentences

S Srivastava, S Govilkar - … Technologies and Internet of Things (ICICI) …, 2019 - Springer
Paraphrasing is the expressing the already said sentence with rewording but without
changing its inherent meaning. Hence, different structured sentences may carry the similar …

[PDF][PDF] Detecting paraphrases in Marathi language

S Srivastava, S Govilkar - Learning, 2020 -
Paraphrasing refers to the sentences that either differs in their textual content or dissimilar in
rearrangement of words but convey the same meaning. Identifying a paraphrase is …

Learning to Detect Paraphrases in Indian Languages

K Sarkar - Text Processing: FIRE 2016 International Workshop …, 2018 - Springer
In this paper, we present a system that detects paraphrases in Indian Languages-Hindi,
Punjabi, Malayalam and Tamil. Our paraphrase detection method uses machine learning …

Check for updates Context Aware Contrastive Opinion

SK Lavanya¹, B Parvathavarthini - … in Data Science: Third IFIP TC …, 2020 -
Model-based approaches for context-sensitive contrastive summarization depend on hand-
crafted features for producing a summary. Deriving these hand-crafted features using …

[PDF][PDF] Tamil Paraphrase Detection using Long-Short Term Memory Networks

Paraphrase detection, one of challenging task in NLP is to detect whether the given pair of
sentences which are rephrased or with word reordering are preserving the meaning …