Wallas' four-stage model of the creative process: More than meets the eye?

E Sadler-Smith - Creativity research journal, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Based on a detailed reading of Graham Wallas' Art of Thought (1926) it is argued that his
four-stage model of the creative process (Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, Verification) …

The cognitive underpinnings of creative thought: A latent variable analysis exploring the roles of intelligence and working memory in three creative thinking processes

CS Lee, DJ Therriault - Intelligence, 2013 - Elsevier
The field of creativity has largely focused on individual differences in divergent thinking
abilities. Recently, contemporary creativity researchers have shown that intelligence and …

The contribution of executive functions to creativity in children: What is the role of crystallized and fluid intelligence?

G Krumm, VA Filippetti, M Gutierrez - Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2018 - Elsevier
Recent studies have revealed that intelligence and executive functions (EFs) play an
important role in creative thinking. However, most research has focused on adult …

Assessing creative thinking: Practical applications

H Long, JA Plucker - The Routledge international handbook of …, 2015 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Traditionally, as we have seen, reading has been viewed as a cognitive task, and reading
research has generally centred on such cognitive processes as 'language, memory and …

Effects of explicit instructions, metacognition, and motivation on creative performance

E Hong, HF O'Neil, Y Peng - Creativity Research Journal, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Effects of explicit instructions, metacognition, and intrinsic motivation on creative homework
performance were examined in 303 Chinese 10th-grade students. Models that represent …

A consideration of the seven sins of memory in the context of creative cognition

AS Ditta, BC Storm - Creativity Research Journal, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Schacter's (2001) work on The Seven Sins of Memory conceptualized and communicated
many of the failures of memory and their critical role in cognition. At the heart of the …

Improving creativity performance assessment: A rater effect examination with many facet Rasch model

SP Hung, PH Chen, HC Chen - Creativity Research Journal, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Product assessment is widely applied in creative studies, typically as an important
dependent measure. Within this context, this study had 2 purposes. First, the focus of this …

[PDF][PDF] 动机的激发与小学生创造思维的关系: 自主性动机的中介作用

张景焕, 刘桂荣, 师玮玮, 付秀君 - 心理学报, 2011 - journal.psych.ac.cn
摘要基于自我决定论的理论框架, 采用动机激发类型问卷, 学业自主调节问卷和托兰斯创造性
思维测验(图画) 对305 名小学五, 六年级学生进行问卷调查, 考察小学高年级学生的动机激发 …

[图书][B] Computational design: technology, cognition and environments

R Yu, N Gu, MJ Ostwald - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
New computational design tools have evolved rapidly and been increasingly applied in the
field of design in recent years, complimenting and even replacing the traditional design …

Creative problem solving and facial expressions: A stage based comparison

M Kumar, S Roy, B Bhushan, A Sameer - Plos one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
A wealth of research indicates that emotions play an instrumental role in creative problem-
solving. However, most of these studies have relied primarily on diary studies and self-report …