Capturing entrepreneurial opportunities in the Romanian equine sector: an Fs-Qca approach

OD Lupoae, RI Radu, MC Muntean - International Entrepreneurship and …, 2022 - Springer
The paper proposes an analysis of entrepreneurial intentions in the equine sector in
Romania and the identification of the variables influencing economic growth in this field. The …

Impact of Equestrian Tourism on the Environment

I Petroman - Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 2015 -
Considered a sub-sector of horse raisin units, equestrian tourism is a form of modern tourism
very popular among the young people as both an entertaining recreational and adventure …

Houston we have a problem: a resposta da Coudelaria Vila Nova à crise causada pela COVID19

FCV Nova - 2022 -
A pandemia de COVID19 teve um enorme impacto na economia mundial e muitas
empresas tiveram de se adaptar para fazer face à crise que dela resultou. O setor equestre …

[PDF][PDF] Vikten av en god hästvälfärd i inhysningsmiljön–kan länsstyrelsens granskning genom förprövningsunderlaget säkerställa hästen en god välfärd i stallet?

K Hellman - 2016 -
This study shows that to establish good horse welfare in the stable the housing conditions
need to be carefully considered. Swedish animal welfare legislation imposes requirements …