The Effectiveness of Continuous Formative Assessment in Hybrid Learning Models: An Empirical Analysis in Higher Education Institutions

S Winarno, H Al Azies - International Journal of Pedagogy and …, 2024 -
This study evaluates the effectiveness of Continuous Formative Assessment (CFA) in
enhancing student learning outcomes within hybrid learning environments. Data was …

Powtoon Learning Media Contextually Based on Thermochemistry Materials to Increase Students' Learning Motivation

N Azizah, A Kamaludin - Indonesian Journal of Science …, 2023 -
Thermokinetics material is a conceptual and abstract topic in chemistry. Therefore,
instructional media is needed to make thermokinetics more tangible to enhance student …

(Development of a Numerical Pop-Up Book Oriented to Mathematical Literacy for Elementary School Students

E Wijaya, L Latri, S Raihan - Pinisi Journal of Education, 2024 -
This research aims to produce and determine the feasibility of numeric pop up book media
as a learning medium for elementary school students. This type of research is research and …

The students' and the Lecturers' Perspectives towards Online Learning for Translation Course during the Pandemic Covid-19

G Tambunsaribu, MS Simatupang - DIDAKTIKA–Jurnal …, 2024 -
Before the COVID-19 pandemic which broke out in early 2020, most of the classes in many
universities in Indonesia were conducted offline (traditional classes). After the outbreak of …

The Influence of Learning Discipline on the Learning Independence of Elementary School Students in Makassar City

E Nabila, M Faisal, B Lutfi - Pinisi Journal of Education, 2024 -
This research focuses on the study of learning discipline and self-directed learning abilities
of sixth-grade students at Kartika IX-2 Armed Elementary School in the Tamalate District …

Blended Teaching of EFL Listening and Speaking in Junior Secondary School

S Madya, A Triastuti - … on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE …, 2024 -
Listening and speaking skills are critical abilities as they facilitate the learning of English as
a Foreign Language (EFL), especially due to technological development. Investigating the …

[引用][C] Student Satisfaction and Priority Quadrants towards E-Learning

R Rachmawati, YM Azis, M Sarosa - … Journal Of Educational Research and Review, 2023

[引用][C] Implementation of the Bomb Snakes and Ladders Game Based on the ECOLA Learning Model to Improve Reading Skills in Elementary Schools

ED Pramiswari, I Mukhlishina - Journal of Education Action Research, 2023

[引用][C] Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

RA Mashudi, J Matsum, S Nursiti