Survey on blockchain-based data storage security for android mobile applications
This research paper investigates the integration of blockchain technology to enhance the
security of Android mobile app data storage. Blockchain holds the potential to significantly …
security of Android mobile app data storage. Blockchain holds the potential to significantly …
Security and privacy implications on database systems in big data era: A survey
GD Samaraweera, JM Chang - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 -
For over many decades, relational database model has been considered as the leading
model for data storage and management. However, as the Big Data explosion has …
model for data storage and management. However, as the Big Data explosion has …
Comparison between relational and NOSQL databases
The relational database is provided from the traditional DBMS, which ensures the integrity of
data and consistency of transactions. For many software applications, these are the …
data and consistency of transactions. For many software applications, these are the …
3D Cadastral Database Systems—A Systematic Literature Review
Cadastral databases have been used for over 20 years, but most contain 2D data. The
increasing presence of high-rise buildings with modern architecture complicates the process …
increasing presence of high-rise buildings with modern architecture complicates the process …
A comparative study of nosql and relational database
Abstract Relational Database and NoSQL are competing types of database models. The
former has been in existence since 1979 and the latter since the year 2000. The demands of …
former has been in existence since 1979 and the latter since the year 2000. The demands of …
[PDF][PDF] Data migration methodology from relational to NoSQL databases
M Hanine, A Bendarag… - International Journal of …, 2015 -
As the number of applications developed rapidly, the ever-increasing volume of data
collected has driven the architectural migration from Relational Database Management …
collected has driven the architectural migration from Relational Database Management …
Data structure comparison between MySql relational database and firebase database NoSql on mobile based tourist tracking application
IKG Sudiartha, INE Indrayana… - Journal of Physics …, 2020 -
Tracking application is widely used to help outdoor activities. One of them is used to help
tourists who do tourist destinations in group activities. Tourist tracking application requires …
tourists who do tourist destinations in group activities. Tourist tracking application requires …
A survey on RDBMS and NoSQL Databases MySQL vs MongoDB
S Palanisamy, P SuvithaVani - 2020 International Conference …, 2020 -
The breakneck development in the Internet showcase and the rising of the new web
innovations with another challenges, fresh concepts and modern applicationsfor example …
innovations with another challenges, fresh concepts and modern applicationsfor example …
[PDF][PDF] Comparison and classification of nosql databases for big data
NoSQL solutions have been created to respond to many issues encountered when dealing
with some specific applications like those of Big Data (eg, storage of very large data sets, the …
with some specific applications like those of Big Data (eg, storage of very large data sets, the …
A study on join operations in mongodb preserving collections data models for future internet applications
Presently, we are observing an explosion of data that need to be stored and processed over
the Internet, and characterized by large volume, velocity and variety. For this reason …
the Internet, and characterized by large volume, velocity and variety. For this reason …