Rocky coasts―their role as depositional environments
A Trenhaile - Earth-Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
The role of rocky coasts as depositional environments has been generally neglected by rock-
and depositional-coast workers. Although rock coasts can be hostile sedimentary …
and depositional-coast workers. Although rock coasts can be hostile sedimentary …
[图书][B] Introduction to coastal processes and geomorphology
G Masselink, M Hughes, J Knight - 2014 -
The world's coastlines represent a myriad of dynamic and constantly changing
environments. Heavily settled and intensely used areas, they are of enormous importance to …
environments. Heavily settled and intensely used areas, they are of enormous importance to …
[HTML][HTML] Coastal boulder movement on a rocky shoreline in northwest Ireland from repeat UAV surveys using Structure from Motion photogrammetry
J Knight, H Burningham, D Griffiths, Y Yao - Geomorphology, 2023 - Elsevier
The degree of boulder mobility in response to coastal storms likely varies spatially and
temporally along rocky shorelines, but this is difficult to evaluate from field monitoring of …
temporally along rocky shorelines, but this is difficult to evaluate from field monitoring of …
Boulders as a signature of storms on rock coasts
This paper is the first review of coastal boulder studies; it serves as a peer-reviewed
introduction to a special issue on the topic of 'Boulders as a signature of storms on rock …
introduction to a special issue on the topic of 'Boulders as a signature of storms on rock …
Chapter 4 The rock coast of the British Isles: shore platforms
CA Moses - Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 2014 -
Rock shore platforms, present on at least half of the 20 500 km-long coastline of the British
Isles, are usually backed by cliffs of varying heights. They form in a range of material types …
Isles, are usually backed by cliffs of varying heights. They form in a range of material types …
An initial evaluation of drone‐based monitoring of boulder beaches in Galicia, north‐western Spain
A Pérez‐Alberti, AS Trenhaile - Earth Surface Processes and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Low altitude flights by a micro‐drone were made in 2012 and 2013 over two boulder
beaches in north‐western Spain. Geographical information system software was used to …
beaches in north‐western Spain. Geographical information system software was used to …
Storm wave currents, boulder movement and shore platform development: a case study from East Lothian, Scotland
AM Hall - Marine Geology, 2011 - Elsevier
Understanding the distribution of wave energy on shore platforms is important for models of
the long term development of both shore platforms and backing cliffs. Little is known …
the long term development of both shore platforms and backing cliffs. Little is known …
Geological controls on boulder production in a rock coast setting: insights from South Wales, UK
WJ Stephenson, LA Naylor - Marine Geology, 2011 - Elsevier
We investigate some of the geological controls on boulder size, using a heterogeneous
outcrop of Blue Lias limestone. Discontinuity and predicted boulder size data were collected …
outcrop of Blue Lias limestone. Discontinuity and predicted boulder size data were collected …
Boulder dynamics on an Atlantic-facing rock coastline, northwest Ireland
J Knight, H Burningham - Marine Geology, 2011 - Elsevier
The rock coast of northwest Ireland comprises steep cliffed headlands and more open
coastal sections where bedrock shore platforms are developed. Many shore platforms are …
coastal sections where bedrock shore platforms are developed. Many shore platforms are …
Evidence of extreme wave events from boulder deposits on the south-east coast of Malta (Central Mediterranean)
J Causon Deguara, R Gauci - Natural Hazards, 2017 - Springer
Large boulder accumulations have been observed on various coasts bordering the
Mediterranean and have been associated with extreme wave events such as powerful …
Mediterranean and have been associated with extreme wave events such as powerful …