[图书][B] Global justice: A cosmopolitan account

G Brock - 2009 - books.google.com
Gillian Brock develops a viable cosmopolitan model of global justice that takes seriously the
equal moral worth of persons, yet leaves scope for defensible forms of nationalism and for …

[PDF][PDF] What explains the german labor market miracle in the great recession

M Burda - The evolution of inflation dynamics and the great …, 2011 - cerge.cuni.cz
Germany experienced an even deeper fall in GDP in the Great Recession than the United
States, with little employment loss. Employers' reticence to hire in the preceding expansion …

[图书][B] Equity home bias in international finance: A place-attachment perspective

K Ardalan - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This book provides a comprehensive and critical analysis of research outcomes on the
equity home bias puzzle–that people overinvest in domestic stocks relative to the …

[PDF][PDF] Lakes, oceans, and taxes: why the world needs a world tax authority

V Tanzi - Global tax fairness, 2016 - osservatoriocpi.unicatt.it
There was a time when taxation was a predominantly national activity. Governments
collected taxes from their citizens without worrying about what other countries were doing, or …

[图书][B] India and south Asia: Economic developments in the age of globalization

A Siddiqui - 2015 - api.taylorfrancis.com
South Asia has become a major center of attention on the world stage with the US military
involvement in Afghanistan since 9/11, the ongoing concern over Islamic fundamentalism in …

Going under to stay on top: How much real exchange rate undervaluation is needed to boost growth in developing countries

C Bermúdez, C Dabús - Estudios de Economía, 2018 - econstor.eu
This paper explores the real exchange rate (RER)-economic growth relationship for a wide
sample of countries over the period 1960-2009. After removing influential observations, the …

[HTML][HTML] Empreendedorismo étnico e de autoemprego em um olhar para as comunidades de imigrantes

LAS Gomes, CAL Bourlegat - Interações (Campo Grande), 2020 - SciELO Brasil
Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir a concepção de empreendedorismo étnico, quando
esse se manifesta diante de desafios enfrentados por populações imigrantes recém …

[PDF][PDF] The trend of the real exchange rate overvaluation in open emerging economies: The case of Brazil

A Nassif, C Feijó, E Araújo - Manuscript. 5th Post …, 2011 - economiaetecnologia.ufpr.br
Abstract We present a Structuralist-Keynesian theoretical approach on the determining
factors of the real exchange rate for open emerging economies. Instead of macroeconomic …

Exporting labor or goods? Long-term implications for the Palestinian economy

C Astrup, S Dessus - Long-Term Implications for the Palestinian …, 2002 - papers.ssrn.com
The restricted access of the Israeli labor market to Palestinian workers is a major negative
shock for the Palestinian economy, and naturally raises the question of whether an …

Reaching the unreachable: Resolving globalization vs. localization paradox

TK Bhatia, M Bhargava - Journal of Creative …, 2008 - journals.sagepub.com
Due to globalization and the need to seek out new markets (sometimes labelled as business
to 4-billion [B2-4B]), rural marketing is gaining new importance in India as well as across the …