Understanding face perception by means of human electrophysiology

B Rossion - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2014 - cell.com
Electrophysiological recordings on the human scalp provide a wealth of information about
the temporal dynamics and nature of face perception at a global level of brain organization …

Threatening faces and social anxiety: a literature review

SR Staugaard - Clinical psychology review, 2010 - Elsevier
A threatening facial expression is a potent social sign of hostility or dominance. During the
past 20years, photographs of threatening faces have been increasingly included as stimuli …

Controlling low-level image properties: the SHINE toolbox

V Willenbockel, J Sadr, D Fiset, GO Horne… - Behavior research …, 2010 - Springer
Visual perception can be influenced by top-down processes related to the observer's goals
and expectations, as well as by bottom-up processes related to low-level stimulus attributes …

The face-sensitive N170 component of the event-related brain potential

M Eimer - The Oxford handbook of face perception, 2011 - books.google.com
Faces are perhaps the most important object category in visual perception, as faces of
conspecifics frequently convey behaviourally, socially, and emotionally relevant information …

[HTML][HTML] ERP evidence for the speed of face categorization in the human brain: Disentangling the contribution of low-level visual cues from face perception

B Rossion, S Caharel - Vision research, 2011 - Elsevier
How fast are visual stimuli categorized as faces by the human brain? Because of their high
temporal resolution and the possibility to record simultaneously from the whole brain …

LIMO EEG: a toolbox for hierarchical LInear MOdeling of ElectroEncephaloGraphic data

CR Pernet, N Chauveau, C Gaspar… - Computational …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Magnetic‐and electric‐evoked brain responses have traditionally been analyzed by
comparing the peaks or mean amplitudes of signals from selected channels and averaged …

[HTML][HTML] Fast periodic presentation of natural images reveals a robust face-selective electrophysiological response in the human brain

B Rossion, K Torfs, C Jacques, J Liu-Shuang - Journal of vision, 2015 - jov.arvojournals.org
We designed a fast periodic visual stimulation approach to identify an objective signature of
face categorization incorporating both visual discrimination (from nonface objects) and …

[HTML][HTML] Steady-state visual evoked potentials can be explained by temporal superposition of transient event-related responses

A Capilla, P Pazo-Alvarez, A Darriba, P Campo… - PloS one, 2011 - journals.plos.org
Background One common criterion for classifying electrophysiological brain responses is
based on the distinction between transient (ie event-related potentials, ERPs) and steady …

Uncovering the neural magnitude and spatio-temporal dynamics of natural image categorization in a fast visual stream

TL Retter, B Rossion - Neuropsychologia, 2016 - Elsevier
Perceptual categorization occurs rapidly under natural viewing conditions. Yet, the neural
spatio-temporal dynamics of category-selective processes to single-glanced, natural (ie …

Reliability of event-related potentials: The influence of number of trials and electrodes

R Huffmeijer, MJ Bakermans-Kranenburg… - Physiology & …, 2014 - Elsevier
The reliability of event-related potentials (ERPs) is an important factor determining the value
of studies relating ERP components to individual differences. However, studies examining …