Software agents in network management

RP Lopes, JL Oliveira - Revista Sistemas de Informação, 1999 -
The globalisation of Internet technology had a strong impact on technology price and
availability, which resulted in the emerging of more opportunities and more services in …

Two-level evolution of foraging agent communities

M Alfonseca, J de Lara - BioSystems, 2002 - Elsevier
This paper presents simulation results of artificial foraging agent communities. The goal of
each agent in the community is to find food. Once a food source is found, agents eat portions …

[引用][C] AntSim: eine Simulationsumgebung zur Visualisierung emergenter Phänomene am Beispiel von Ameisenkolonien auf Futtersuche.

R Oechsle, R Weires, S Lang - SimVis, 2004

[引用][C] Quiero expresar mis más sinceros agradecimientos a todas aquellas personas que de una u otra manera han contribuido a mi formación y educación. Al ing …