Multi-label hate speech and abusive language detection in Indonesian Twitter
MO Ibrohim, I Budi - Proceedings of the third workshop on abusive …, 2019 -
Hate speech and abusive language spreading on social media need to be detected
automatically to avoid conflict between citizen. Moreover, hate speech has a target …
automatically to avoid conflict between citizen. Moreover, hate speech has a target …
Hate speech detection: A survey
Social media has been continuously acting as a medium for people to share and convey
their emotions and information. At the same time, it has been observed that people utilize …
their emotions and information. At the same time, it has been observed that people utilize …
Hate speech detection on indonesian instagram comments using fasttext approach
Instagram is one of social media hype, potentially used to spread hatred. The objective of
our study is to conduct hate speech detection on Instagram comments for Indonesian …
our study is to conduct hate speech detection on Instagram comments for Indonesian …
Identification of hate speech and abusive language on indonesian Twitter using the Word2vec, part of speech and emoji features
MO Ibrohim, MA Setiadi, I Budi - … of the 1st International Conference on …, 2019 -
Freedom of speech for the people of Indonesia on social media makes the spread of hate
speech and abusive language inevitable. If there is no proper handling, this will lead to …
speech and abusive language inevitable. If there is no proper handling, this will lead to …
Hate code detection in Indonesian tweets using machine learning approach: a dataset and preliminary study
The existence of social media causes side effects from freedom of speech to freedom to
hate. People can spread hate speech with creative ways to avoid the hate speech detector …
hate. People can spread hate speech with creative ways to avoid the hate speech detector …
Translated vs non-translated method for multilingual hate speech identification in Twitter
MO Ibrohim, I Budi - … Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and …, 2019 -
Nowadays social media is often misused to spread hate speech. Spreading hate speech is
an act that needs to be handled in a special way because it can undermine or discriminate …
an act that needs to be handled in a special way because it can undermine or discriminate …