Unified messaging methods and systems for communication and cooperation among distributed agents in a computing environment

AJ Cheyer, DL Martin - US Patent 6,691,151, 2004 - Google Patents
The present invention provides a Uni? ed Messaging system With an emphasis on
ubiquitous access and dynamic pre sentation of the information and services supported by …

Using a community of distributed electronic agents to support a highly mobile, ambient computing environment

L Julia, A Cheyer - US Patent 7,036,128, 2006 - Google Patents
5,386,556 A 1/1995 Hedin et al. 5.434, 777 A 7, 1995 Luciw 5,519,608 A 5/1996 Kupiec
5,608,624 A 3, 1997 Luciw 5,697.844. A* 12/1997 Von Kohorn................ 463/40 5,721,938 A …

Mobile navigation of network-based electronic information using spoken input

C Halverson, L Julia, D Voutsas, A Cheyer - US Patent 6,757,718, 2004 - Google Patents
The present invention addresses the above needs by providing a system, method, and
article of manufacture for mobile navigation of netWork-based electronic data sources in …

Navigating network-based electronic information using spoken input with multimodal error feedback

C Halverson, L Julia, D Voutsas, AJ Cheyer - US Patent 6,742,021, 2004 - Google Patents
_ _ _ _ _ CommandTalk”, Feb. 5, 1999, SRI International.(63) gintgnufgtggn'm'pan of
appheanon NO '09/225498'? led on http://WWW. ai. sri. com/~ oaa/infoWiZ. html, InfoWiZ: An …

System, method, and article of manufacture for agent-based navigation in a speech-based data navigation system

C Halverson, L Julia, D Voutsas, A Cheyer - US Patent 6,523,061, 2003 - Google Patents
US Cl........................ 709/202; 709/202; 709/217; 709/219; 379/88.01; 379/88.02; 379/88.22;
A System, method, and article of manufacture are provided 370/331; 704/270; 704/275 for …

Extensible software-based architecture for communication and cooperation within and between communities of distributed agents and distributed objects

AJ Cheyer, DL Martin, DB Moran, WS Mark - US Patent 6,859,931, 2005 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A distributed agent community is able to dynamically inter act with
alternative Software technologies that manage dis tributed objects. The leveraging of …

Accessing network-based electronic information through scripted online interfaces using spoken input

L Julia, D Voutsas, A Cheyer - US Patent 6,513,063, 2003 - Google Patents
5,386,556 A 1/1995 Hedin et al.......... 395/600 Speech input and a template extracted by
Scraping an online 5.434, 777 A 7/1995 Luciw........................ 364/419 Scripted interface to …

Highly scalable software-based architecture for communication and cooperation among distributed electronic agents

AJ Cheyer, DL Martin - US Patent 7,069,560, 2006 - Google Patents
(54) HIGHLY SCALABLE SOFTWARE-BASED 5,774,859 A 6/1998 Houser et a1.
ARCHITECTURE FOR COMMUNICATION 5,794,050 A 8/1998 Dahlgren et a1. AND …

A perceptually based computational framework for the interpretation of spatial language

JD Kelleher - 2003 - doras.dcu.ie
The goal of this work is to develop a semantic framework to underpin the development of
natural language (NL) interfaces for 3 Dimensional (3-D) simulated environments. The …

Intelligent tutoring for ill-defined domains in military simulation-based training

EO Bratt - International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in …, 2009 - content.iospress.com
This paper describes the role of simulation-based training in the military. Interviews and
observations of military instructors in the damage control and shiphandling domains provide …