A Maxwell principle for generalized Orlicz balls

SGG Johnston, J Prochno - Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) …, 2023 - projecteuclid.org
In the 1980s, Diaconis and Freedman studied the low-dimensional projections of random
vectors from the Euclidean unit sphere and the simplex in high dimensions, noting that the …

[HTML][HTML] Gaussian polytopes: a cumulant-based approach

J Grote, C Thäle - Journal of Complexity, 2018 - Elsevier
The random convex hull of a Poisson point process in R d whose intensity measure is a
multiple of the standard Gaussian measure on R d is investigated. The purpose of this paper …

On norms in some class of exponential type Orlicz spaces of random variables

K Zajkowski - Positivity, 2020 - Springer
A new characterization of the exponential type Orlicz spaces generated by the functions\exp
(| x|^ p)-1 exp (| x| p)-1 (p ≥ 1 p≥ 1) is given. We define norms for centered random …

[HTML][HTML] The isotropic constant of random polytopes with vertices on convex surfaces

J Prochno, C Thäle, N Turchi - Journal of Complexity, 2019 - Elsevier
For an isotropic convex body K⊂ R n we consider the isotropic constant LKN of the
symmetric random polytope KN generated by N independent random points which are …

Facets of spherical random polytopes

G Bonnet, E O'Reilly - Mathematische Nachrichten, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Facets of the convex hull of n independent random vectors chosen uniformly at random from
the unit sphere in R d R^d are studied. A particular focus is given on the height of the facets …

[HTML][HTML] Affine quermassintegrals of random polytopes

G Chasapis, N Skarmogiannis - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and …, 2019 - Elsevier
A question related to some conjectures of Lutwak about the affine quermassintegrals of a
convex body K in R n asks whether for every convex body K in R n and all 1⩽ k⩽ n Φ [k](K) …

Pinsker inequalities and related Monge-Amp\ere equations for log concave functions

U Caglar, AV Kolesnikov, EM Werner - arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.07055, 2020 - arxiv.org
In this paper we further develop the theory of f-divergences for log-concave functions and
their related inequalities. We establish Pinsker inequalities and new affine invariant entropy …

[HTML][HTML] On the geometry of random convex sets between polytopes and zonotopes

D Alonso-Gutiérrez, J Prochno - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and …, 2017 - Elsevier
In this work we study a class of random convex sets that “interpolate” between polytopes and
zonotopes. These sets arise from considering aqt h-moment (q≥ 1) of an average of order …

[PDF][PDF] High-dimensional asymptotics for random polytopes

N Turchi - 2019 - hss-opus.ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
In this chapter we introduce the topic of random polytopes and some of the problems that
this subject handles. From a methodical point of view, the study of random polytopes …

[PDF][PDF] Large scale asymptotics for random convex hulls

J Grote - 2018 - hss-opus.ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
This chapter begins with a general introduction into the theory of stochastic geometry and
random polytopes, presenting some milestones in their historical development. In particular …