Using Crash Hoare logic for certifying the FSCQ file system
FSCQ is the first file system with a machine-checkable proof (using the Coq proof assistant)
that its implementation meets its specification and whose specification includes crashes …
that its implementation meets its specification and whose specification includes crashes …
The Linux scheduler: a decade of wasted cores
As a central part of resource management, the OS thread scheduler must maintain the
following, simple, invariant: make sure that ready threads are scheduled on available cores …
following, simple, invariant: make sure that ready threads are scheduled on available cores …
Fuzzing file systems via two-dimensional input space exploration
File systems, a basic building block of an OS, are too big and too complex to be bug free.
Nevertheless, file systems rely on regular stress-testing tools and formal checkers to find …
Nevertheless, file systems rely on regular stress-testing tools and formal checkers to find …
{Push-Button} Verification of File Systems via Crash Refinement
The file system is an essential operating system component for persisting data on storage
devices. Writing bug-free file systems is non-trivial, as they must correctly implement and …
devices. Writing bug-free file systems is non-trivial, as they must correctly implement and …
SibylFS: formal specification and oracle-based testing for POSIX and real-world file systems
T Ridge, D Sheets, T Tuerk, A Giugliano… - Proceedings of the 25th …, 2015 -
Systems depend critically on the behaviour of file systems, but that behaviour differs in many
details, both between implementations and between each implementation and the POSIX …
details, both between implementations and between each implementation and the POSIX …
Intermittent computing with peripherals, formally verified
Transiently-powered systems featuring non-volatile memory as well as external peripherals
enable the development of new low-power sensor applications. However, as programmers …
enable the development of new low-power sensor applications. However, as programmers …
Reducing crash recoverability to reachability
E Koskinen, J Yang - Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN …, 2016 -
Software applications run on a variety of platforms (filesystems, virtual slices, mobile
hardware, etc.) that do not provide 100% uptime. As such, these applications may crash at …
hardware, etc.) that do not provide 100% uptime. As such, these applications may crash at …
Inside a verified flash file system: transactions and garbage collection
The work presented here addresses a long-standing conceptual gap in flash file system
verification: We map an abstract graph-based representation down to the flat blocks of bytes …
verification: We map an abstract graph-based representation down to the flat blocks of bytes …
Crash consistency
Crash consistency Page 1 46 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | OCTOBER 2015 | VOL. 58
| NO. 10 practice IMA GE B Y CW AS TUDIOS DOI:10.1145/2788401 Article development led …
| NO. 10 practice IMA GE B Y CW AS TUDIOS DOI:10.1145/2788401 Article development led …
Fault-tolerant resource reasoning
Separation logic has been successful at verifying that programs do not crash due to illegal
use of resources. The underlying assumption, however, is that machines do not fail. In …
use of resources. The underlying assumption, however, is that machines do not fail. In …