The virtual environment for reactor applications (VERA): design and architecture
VERA, the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications, is the system of physics capabilities
being developed and deployed by the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water …
being developed and deployed by the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water …
Full core LOCA safety analysis for a PWR containing high burnup fuel
For economic reasons, the US nuclear industry is renewing efforts to build a technical basis
to extend peak rod average burnup limits above the current regulatory burnup limit of 62 …
to extend peak rod average burnup limits above the current regulatory burnup limit of 62 …
Modeling and simulation challenges pursued by the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL)
PJ Turinsky, DB Kothe - Journal of Computational Physics, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL), the
first Energy Innovation Hub of the Department of Energy, was established in 2010 with the …
first Energy Innovation Hub of the Department of Energy, was established in 2010 with the …
A structural model of the long-term degradation of the concrete biological shield
The concrete biological shield (CBS) of light water reactors is exposed to high neutron
radiation dose in the long term, which may lead to the degradation of the concrete's …
radiation dose in the long term, which may lead to the degradation of the concrete's …
Pellet-clad mechanical interaction screening using VERA applied to Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycles 1–3
Abstract The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL) aims to
provide high-fidelity multiphysics simulations of light water nuclear reactors. To accomplish …
provide high-fidelity multiphysics simulations of light water nuclear reactors. To accomplish …
High-burnup fuel stress analysis prior to and during a LOCA transient
High-burnup fuel fragmentation and pulverization have been experimentally observed
during simulated loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) transient testing of high-burnup (> 62 …
during simulated loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) transient testing of high-burnup (> 62 …
Multiphysics analysis of fuel Fragmentation, Relocation, and dispersal Susceptibility–Part 2: High-Burnup Steady-State operating and fuel performance conditions
The US nuclear industry is pursuing increased cycle lengths and increasing the peak rod-
averaged burnup in an effort to increase the economic viability of the US nuclear fleet …
averaged burnup in an effort to increase the economic viability of the US nuclear fleet …
Coupled fuel performance calculations in VERA and demonstration on Watts Bar unit 1, cycle 1
As the core simulator capabilities in the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA)
have become more mature and stable, increased attention has been focused on coupling …
have become more mature and stable, increased attention has been focused on coupling …
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis with CASL Core Simulator VERA-CS
CS Brown, H Zhang - Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract VERA-CS (Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications, Core Simulator) is a
coupled neutron transport and thermal-hydraulics code under development by the …
coupled neutron transport and thermal-hydraulics code under development by the …
Watts bar unit 2 startup results with vera
CASL members TVA, Westinghouse, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory have successfully
completed a detailed simulation of the initial startup of Watts Bar Nuclear Unit 2 (WBN2) …
completed a detailed simulation of the initial startup of Watts Bar Nuclear Unit 2 (WBN2) …