Teams between neo-Taylorism and anti-Taylorism

H Pruijt - Economic and industrial democracy, 2003 -
Team working is of ten associated with sophisticated management control and inten-
sification of work; however, many authors suggest that an alternative type exists to which this …

The transfer of Japanese management styles in two US transplant industries: autos and electronics

M Kennly, R Florida - Journal of management studies, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
Japanese industry is characterized by a unique set of industrial relations and management
styles. the ability to transfer these relations overseas has been the object of much scholarly …

Repainting, modifying, smashing Taylorism

H Pruijt - Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2000 -
Survey data show that post‐Tayloristic production concepts are not developing to the extent
that many researchers had originally expected. It also is inadequate to portray post …

Managing the managers: Japanese management strategies in the USA

M Tolich, M Kennedy, N Biggart - Journal of Management …, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
One of the greatest difficulties Japanese multinationals have had is managing American
managers in their US subsidiaries. The reason for this is fundamental and profound …

[PDF][PDF] Japanese work policy: Opportunity, challenge or threat?

N Altmann - Enriching production, 1995 -
While the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study of the automotive industry
(Womack et al., 1990) had the effect of stimulating discussions of Japanese work policy, it …

Combining innovation and capacity utilization in high throughput systems: Moving beyond the product life cycle model by introducing second-order innovations

AM Fevolden, T Grønning - Industry and Innovation, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The literature on the product life cycle and on high throughput systems has been
preoccupied with studying an apparent lack of flexibility in capital-intensive production …

Teamworking and managerial control within a Japanese manufacturing subsidiary in the UK

D Rosemary Sharpe - Personnel Review, 2002 -
This paper presents an in‐depth analysis of processes of “team” working within a shopfloor
manufacturing setting. Drawing on ethnographic case studies, the paper examines how …

Japanese automotive transplants and the transfer of the Japanese production system

R Florida, M Kenney - Social Reconstructions of the World Automobile …, 1996 - Springer
Since 1980, Japan's major automobile companies have set up 12 major automobile
assembly plants or transplants in North America—nine of these are in the US another three …

Persona e lavoro nella Quarta rivoluzione industriale

F Seghezzi - 2017 -
The thesis wants to be an analysis of the evolution of labor paradigms (and with them of the
implied production paradigms) to check whether the impacts of the so-called Industry 4.0 …

[PDF][PDF] Persona e lavoro nella Quarta rivoluzione industriale

Tra i limiti principali della ricerca sulla cd. Quarta rivoluzione industriale1 si riscontra
sicuramente quello di identificarla unicamente come un nuovo paradigma2 tecnologico …