Economic evaluation in health care: is there a role for cost-benefit analysis?

M Johannesson, B Jönsson - Health policy, 1991 - Elsevier
This paper is devoted to the contingent valuation (CV) method and its possible area of
application in health economics. With the CV method willingness to pay or willingness to …

Construction of the contingent valuation market in health care: a critical assessment

RD Smith - Health economics, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Contingent valuation (CV) has been criticised for being too hypothetical, with expressed
values bearing little relation to actual values. The magnitude of this divergence, however …

Economic valuation with stated preference techniques: a manual.

IJ Bateman, RT Carson, B Day, M Hanemann… - 2002 -
This manual offers a detailed, up-to-date explanation of how to carry out stated preference
techniques. The techniques use surveys to ask individuals how much they would be willing …

What is privacy worth?

A Acquisti, LK John… - The Journal of Legal …, 2013 -
Understanding the value that individuals assign to the protection of their personal data is of
great importance for business, law, and public policy. We use a field experiment informed by …

The amenity value of the urban forest: an application of the hedonic pricing method

L Tyrväinen - Landscape and Urban planning, 1997 - Elsevier
The majority of urban forest benefits represent non-consumptive use values, which include
benefits derived from pleasant landscape, clean air, peace and quiet and screening, as well …

Using contingent valuation to explore willingness to pay for renewable energy: a comparison of collective and voluntary payment vehicles

RH Wiser - Ecological economics, 2007 - Elsevier
This study uses a split-sample, dichotomous choice contingent valuation survey of 1574 US
residents to explore willingness to pay (WTP) for renewable energy under collective and …

Valuing public goods: a comparison of survey and hedonic approaches

DS Brookshire, MA Thayer, WD Schulze… - The American Economic …, 1982 - JSTOR
Although the theory of public goods has progressed rapidly since Paul Samuelson's seminal
article, the empirical measurement of the value of (demand for) public goods only recently …

Starting point bias in contingent valuation bidding games

KJ Boyle, RC Bishop, MP Welsh - Land economics, 1985 - JSTOR
Contingent valuation (CV) has become a commonly used tool for valuing items such as
natural amenities that are not traded in mar-kets. Even though this tool is widely applied …

Using meta-analysis for benefits transfer: Theory and practice

JC Bergstrom, LO Taylor - Ecological economics, 2006 - Elsevier
Meta-analysis, or the “study of studies”, attempts to statistically measure systematic
relationships between reported valuation estimates for an environmental good or service …

Valuing environmental commodities: some recent experiments

WD Schulze, RC d'Arge, DS Brookshire - Land Economics, 1981 - JSTOR
During the past few years, economists have been attempting to apply a variety of techniques
to reveal preferences of in-dividuals for non-market environmental commodities (Bradford …