Biorobotics: Using robots to emulate and investigate agile locomotion

AJ Ijspeert - science, 2014 -
The graceful and agile movements of animals are difficult to analyze and emulate because
locomotion is the result of a complex interplay of many components: the central and …

Research development on fish swimming

Y Liu, H Jiang - Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022 - Springer
Fishes have learned how to achieve outstanding swimming performance through the
evolution of hundreds of millions of years, which can provide bio-inspiration for robotic fish …

Emergence of robust self-organized undulatory swimming based on local hydrodynamic force sensing

R Thandiackal, K Melo, L Paez, J Herault, T Kano… - Science robotics, 2021 -
Undulatory swimming represents an ideal behavior to investigate locomotion control and the
role of the underlying central and peripheral components in the spinal cord. Many vertebrate …

Animal robots in the African wilderness: Lessons learned and outlook for field robotics

K Melo, T Horvat, AJ Ijspeert - Science Robotics, 2023 -
In early 2016, we had the opportunity to test a pair of sprawling posture robots, one
designed to mimic a crocodile and another designed to mimic a monitor lizard, along the …

Integral line-of-sight guidance for path following control of underwater snake robots: Theory and experiments

E Kelasidi, P Liljebäck, KY Pettersen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 -
This paper proposes and experimentally validates a straight line path following controller for
underwater snake robots in the presence of constant irrotational currents of unknown …

Innovation in underwater robots: Biologically inspired swimming snake robots

E Kelasidi, P Liljeback, KY Pettersen… - IEEE robotics & …, 2016 -
Increasing efficiency by improving locomotion methods is a key issue for underwater robots.
Moreover, a number of different control design challenges must be solved to realize …

Motion control and motion coordination of bionic robotic fish: A review

J Yu, M Wang, H Dong, Y Zhang, Z Wu - Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2018 - Springer
Fish's outstanding motion and coordination performance make it an excellent source of
inspiration for scientists and engineers aiming to design and control next-generation …

Locomotion strategies for amphibious robots-a review

M Rafeeq, SF Toha, S Ahmad, MA Razib - IEEE Access, 2021 -
In the past two decades, unmanned amphibious robots have proven the most promising and
efficient systems ranging from scientific, military, and commercial applications. The …

Stretchable nanocomposite sensors, nanomembrane interconnectors, and wireless electronics toward feedback–loop control of a soft earthworm robot

R Goldoni, Y Ozkan-Aydin, YS Kim, J Kim… - … Applied Materials & …, 2020 - ACS Publications
Sensors that can detect external stimuli and perceive the surrounding areas could offer an
ability for soft biomimetic robots to use the sensory feedback for closed-loop control of …

A review of locomotion, control, and implementation of robot fish

X Jian, T Zou - Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2022 - Springer
A comprehensive review of bio-inspired robot fish is presented in this paper with an
emphasis on locomotion, actuation, and control methods. Different swimming modes of …