SMEs and the credit crunch: Current financing difficulties, policy measures and a review of literature
G Wehinger - OECD Journal: Financial market trends, 2014 -
After a brief overview of current financing difficulties for SMEs and policy measures to
support SME lending during the crisis, this article presents a literature review related to …
support SME lending during the crisis, this article presents a literature review related to …
Variables y modelos para la identificación y predicción del fracaso empresarial: Revisión de la investigación empírica reciente: Variables and models for the …
MTT Tascon, FJC Gutiérrez - Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish …, 2012 -
Este trabajo analiza la evolución en el tiempo de los estudios sobre fracaso empresarial.
Con carácter general, partimos de la revisión crítica realizada en la literatura previa, y …
Con carácter general, partimos de la revisión crítica realizada en la literatura previa, y …
“When the cat's away the mice will play”: Does regulation at home affect bank risk-taking abroad?
This paper provides the first empirical evidence that bank regulation is associated with cross-
border spillover effects through the lending activities of large multinational banks. We …
border spillover effects through the lending activities of large multinational banks. We …
Introducing financial frictions and unemployment into a small open economy model
Which are the main frictions and the driving forces of business cycle dynamics in an open
economy? To answer this question we extend the standard new Keynesian model in three …
economy? To answer this question we extend the standard new Keynesian model in three …
[HTML][HTML] Speeding up MCMC by efficient data subsampling
We propose subsampling Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), an MCMC framework where
the likelihood function for n observations is estimated from a random subset of m …
the likelihood function for n observations is estimated from a random subset of m …
Trade credit and the propagation of corporate failure: An empirical analysis
T Jacobson, E Von Schedvin - Econometrica, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Using an exhaustive data set on claims held by trade creditors (suppliers) on failed trade
debtors (customers), we quantify the importance of trade credit chains for the propagation of …
debtors (customers), we quantify the importance of trade credit chains for the propagation of …
Firm financing over the business cycle
Data from US public firms show that in booms large firms finance with debt and payout
equity, whereas small firms issue both equity and debt. Therefore, large firms generally …
equity, whereas small firms issue both equity and debt. Therefore, large firms generally …
Predicting financial distress of slovak enterprises: Comparison of selected traditional and learning algorithms methods
E Gregova, K Valaskova, P Adamko, M Tumpach… - Sustainability, 2020 -
Predicting the risk of financial distress of enterprises is an inseparable part of financial-
economic analysis, helping investors and creditors reveal the performance stability of any …
economic analysis, helping investors and creditors reveal the performance stability of any …
Determinants of corporate default risk in China: The role of financial constraints
Corporate default risk can affect financial stability and the macroeconomy. However, the
determinants of corporate default risk in China are not well defined in the literature. We …
determinants of corporate default risk in China are not well defined in the literature. We …
Financing a dual capital-constrained supply chain: Profit enhancement and diffusion effect of default risk
X Xie, X Chen, X Xu, J Gu - Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Supply chain finance (SCF) benefits participants by alleviating capital constraints and
generating additional profits but also brings a host of disadvantages. This study examines …
generating additional profits but also brings a host of disadvantages. This study examines …