[PDF][PDF] The impact of women's position in the labour market on pay and implications for productivity

S Walby, W Olsen - 2002 - openaccess.city.ac.uk
This report investigates the impact of women's position in the labour market on women's pay
and considers the implications for UK productivity and productivity growth. Gender relations …

Against the tide: Gendered prejudice and disadvantage in engineering

F Küskü, M Özbilgin, L Özkale - Gender, Work & Organization, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Although a balance has been achieved in the overall numbers of female and male students
in higher education in the industrialized countries, vertical sex segregation has remained …

[PDF][PDF] Factors affecting women's participation in the Jordanian workforce

S Mehtap, Y Jayyousi, N Gammoh… - International Journal of …, 2016 - researchgate.net
Women's participation in the workforce contributes to economic development,
empowerment, gender equality and helps to uplift society. Yet the number of women who …

[PDF][PDF] Moninaiset urat: narratiivinen tutkimus naisjohtajien urakehityksestä

M Ekonen - 2007 - jyx.jyu.fi
Kuten jo tämän työn johdannosta käy ilmi, syyskuu on toiminut tutkijanurani kannalta
eräänlaisena käännekohtana. Otin ensimmäiset askeleeni tutkijana jo syyskuussa 2002 …

Jobs for the girls: a study of the careers of professional women returners following participation in a European funded updating programme

S Shaw, M Taylor, I Harris - International Journal of Manpower, 1999 - emerald.com
This paper uses the findings of a recent study of professional women returning to work after
a career break. It critically examines their return to work following attendance of a European …


김영경 - 여성연구, 2007 - scholar.kyobobook.co.kr
고학력 경력단절여성의 경력개발계획과 재취업교육 요구분석 연구 - 학지사ㆍ교보문고 스콜라
ENG 전체 상세검색 검색 검색어 저장 켜기 최근 검색어 전체 삭제 다국어입력 즐겨찾기0 전체 …

[PDF][PDF] Second career of women professionals in India: A corporate perspective

S Rajesh, ACC Founder-President… - Asian Journal of …, 2013 - 99daydiversitychallenge.com
The increasing participation of women in the Indian workforce is a very laudable trend with
liberalization, privatization and globalization friendly policies of the Indian Government …

The relationship of among of vocational education, entrepreneurial intention, re-employmment need of career interrupted woman

J Kim - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and …, 2016 - koreascience.kr
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a vocational education on career
interrupted woman'by analyzing whether it would bring any changes to the selected. The …

경력단절여성의진로장벽지각이고용가능성에미치는영향: 사회연결망의매개효과중심으로

유희정 - 사고개발, 2015 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구는 경력단절 여성의 진로장벽 지각이 고용가능성에 영향을 미치는데 있어서
사회연결망의 매개효과를 알아보는 것에 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 부산 지역의 …


김경림 - 2022 - oak.chosun.ac.kr
본 연구는 성인 발달장애 자녀를 둔 일하는 여성의 삶의 경험을 탐구하여 그 개인이 어떤 삶을
살고 있는지, 그러한 경험이 의미하는 바가 무엇인지를 알고자 하였다. 이를 통하여 본 연구에서 …