Method and apparatus for accounting process using integrated trial balance

DK Lee - US Patent App. 15/074,072, 2016 - Google Patents
YAUXLARY Posting presenting the integrated trial balance, the integrated trial balance
including a first column and a second column, the first column displaying information on an …

Systems and methods for retrieving online merchant terms of a merchant and associating the same with transactions

A Benkreira, J Edwards, M Mossoba - US Patent 11,538,079, 2022 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system is provided including a database and a server. The server is
configured to: retrieve online merchant terms associated with a merchant; store in the …

Value discrepancy visualization apparatus and method thereof

D Schiller - US Patent 11,475,026, 2022 - Google Patents
An apparatus and method displays an error between a first sequence of numbers and a
second sequence of numbers. A plurality of respectively different algorithms is provided for …