Method and system implementing spatially modulated excitation or emission for particle characterization with enhanced sensitivity

M Bassler, P Kiesel, O Schmidt, NM Johnson - US Patent 9,638,637, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and system for using spatially modulated excita tion/emission
and relative movement between a particle (cell, molecule, aerosol,...) and an …

Comb-based spectroscopy with synchronous sampling for real-time averaging

NR Newbury, I Coddington, WC Swann - US Patent 8,564,785, 2013 - Google Patents
7,259,856 B2 8/2007 Kachanov et al. 7,291,839 B1 1 1/2007 Demers et al. 7,298.489 B2
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Method and apparatus for locking a laser with a resonant cavity

A Kachanov, S Koulikov - US Patent 8,539,816, 2013 - Google Patents
A system for locking a laser with a resonant optical cavity includes a laser that emits a laser
beam, a resonant optical cavity having at least two cavity mirrors, one of which is a cavity …

Analyzers with time variation based on color-coded spatial modulation

J Martini, P Kiesel, M Huck, MW Bern… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents

Distinguishing objects

P Kiesel, O Schmidt, M Bassler - US Patent 7,817,276, 2010 - Google Patents
(51) Int. Cl.(57) ABSTRACT GOIN 2/55(2006.01) GOIN 2L/00(2006.01) While objects travel
through an optical cavity, the cavity G0IB 9/02(2006.01) provides output light that is affected …

Tuning optical cavities

P Kiesel, O Schmidt, M Bassler, U Srinivasan - US Patent 7,817,281, 2010 - Google Patents
6,747,775 B2 6, 2004 Little 6,747,784 B2 6, 2004 Little et al. 6,809,865 B2 10/2004 Chen
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Obtaining information from optical cavity output light

O Schmidt, P Kiesel, M Bassler - US Patent 7,502,123, 2009 - Google Patents
Output light from an optical cavity includes, for each of a set of modes, an intensity function,
and a mode's intensity function includes information, such as about an optical characteristic …

Transmitting/reflecting emanating light with time variation

P Kiesel, M Beck, NM Johnson, M Bassler - US Patent 8,373,860, 2013 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS 2,708,389 A 5/1955 Kavanagh 3,357,230 A 12/1967 Topaz
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Spectroscopy method and apparatus for detecting low concentration gases

BE Cole, JA Cox, Y Gu, RH Thorland - US Patent 7,612,885, 2009 - Google Patents
(56) References Cited the medium to the second environmental condition to cause the
medium to desorb gas into an optical cavity of a cavity US PATENT DOCUMENTS ring down …

Method and system implementing spatially modulated excitation or emission for particle characterization with enhanced sensitivity

M Bassler, P Kiesel, O Schmidt, NM Johnson - US Patent 8,821,799, 2014 - Google Patents
A method and system for using spatially modulated excitation/emission and relative
movement between a particle (cell, molecule, aerosol,...) and an excitation/emission pattern …