Open information extraction from the web

O Etzioni, M Banko, S Soderland, DS Weld - Communications of the ACM, 2008 -
Open information extraction from the web Page 1 68 communications of the acm | december
2008 | vol. 51 | no. 12 review articles will build systems that fuse relevant pieces of …

[PDF][PDF] Espresso: Leveraging generic patterns for automatically harvesting semantic relations

P Pantel, M Pennacchiotti - … of the 21st international conference on …, 2006 -
In this paper, we present Espresso, a weakly-supervised, general-purpose, and accurate
algorithm for harvesting semantic relations. The main contributions are: i) a method for …

[PDF][PDF] Web-scale distributional similarity and entity set expansion

P Pantel, E Crestan, A Borkovsky… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 -
Computing the pairwise semantic similarity between all words on the Web is a
computationally challenging task. Parallelization and optimizations are necessary. We …

[PDF][PDF] The distributional inclusion hypotheses and lexical entailment

M Geffet, I Dagan - Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the …, 2005 -
This paper suggests refinements for the Distributional Similarity Hypothesis. Our proposed
hypotheses relate the distributional behavior of pairs of words to lexical entailment–a tighter …

[PDF][PDF] Ontology learning from text: A survey of methods

C Biemann - Journal for Language Technology and Computational …, 2005 -
After the vision of the Semantic Web was broadcasted at the turn of the millennium, ontology
became a synonym for the solution to many problems concerning the fact that computers do …

[PDF][PDF] Semantic class learning from the web with hyponym pattern linkage graphs

Z Kozareva, E Riloff, E Hovy - Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, 2008 -
We present a novel approach to weakly supervised semantic class learning from the web,
using a single powerful hyponym pattern combined with graph structures, which capture two …

Individual and domain adaptation in sentence planning for dialogue

MA Walker, A Stent, F Mairesse, R Prasad - Journal of Artificial Intelligence …, 2007 -
One of the biggest challenges in the development and deployment of spoken dialogue
systems is the design of the spoken language generation module. This challenge arises …

[PDF][PDF] A metric-based framework for automatic taxonomy induction

H Yang, J Callan - Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the …, 2009 -
This paper presents a novel metric-based framework for the task of automatic taxonomy
induction. The framework incrementally clusters terms based on ontology metric, a score …

Extracting query facets from search results

W Kong, J Allan - Proceedings of the 36th international ACM SIGIR …, 2013 -
Web search queries are often ambiguous or multi-faceted, which makes a simple ranked list
of results inadequate. To assist information finding for such faceted queries, we explore a …

[图书][B] Ontology and the lexicon: A natural language processing perspective

CR Huang - 2010 -
The relation between ontologies and language is currently at the forefront of natural
language processing (NLP). Ontologies, as widely used models in semantic technologies …