Local policy choice: theory and empirics
DR Agrawal, WH Hoyt, JD Wilson - Journal of Economic Literature, 2022 - aeaweb.org
This paper critically surveys the growing literature on the policy choices of local
governments. First, we identify various reasons for local government policy interactions …
governments. First, we identify various reasons for local government policy interactions …
Local public goods and clubs
S Scotchmer - Handbook of public economics, 2002 - Elsevier
I discuss recent contributions to the theory of group formation and the provision of jointly
consumed public goods and services. I highlight the distinction between models of pure …
consumed public goods and services. I highlight the distinction between models of pure …
The fundamental institutions of China's reforms and development
C Xu - Journal of economic literature, 2011 - aeaweb.org
China's economic reforms have resulted in spectacular growth and poverty reduction.
However, China's institutions look ill-suited to achieve such a result, and they indeed suffer …
However, China's institutions look ill-suited to achieve such a result, and they indeed suffer …
An essay on fiscal federalism
WE Oates - Environmental Policy and Fiscal Federalism, 2004 - elgaronline.com
LS kk DECENTRALIZATION i 5 jn vogue. Both in the industrialized and in the developing
world, nations are turning to devolution to improve the performance of their public sectors. In …
world, nations are turning to devolution to improve the performance of their public sectors. In …
Incumbent behavior: Vote seeking, tax setting and yardstick competition
This paper presents a theoretical and empirical investigation of tax competition when voters
use the tax policy of neighboring jurisdictions as information to evaluate the performance of …
use the tax policy of neighboring jurisdictions as information to evaluate the performance of …
Pigou, Tiebout, property taxation, and the underprovision of local public goods
GR Zodrow, P Mieszkowski - Journal of urban economics, 1986 - Elsevier
Pigou's proposition that the use of distorting taxes rather than neutral head taxes reduces
public service levels is examined in this paper. A simple model with a national system of …
public service levels is examined in this paper. A simple model with a national system of …
Federalism as a commitment to preserving market incentives
Y Qian, BR Weingast - Journal of Economic perspectives, 1997 - aeaweb.org
The authors advance a new perspective in the study of federalism. Their approach views
federalism as a governance solution of the state to credibly preserving market incentives …
federalism as a governance solution of the state to credibly preserving market incentives …
Regional decentralization and fiscal incentives: Federalism, Chinese style
H Jin, Y Qian, BR Weingast - Journal of public economics, 2005 - Elsevier
Aligning the interests of local governments with market development is an important issue
for developing and transition economies. Using a panel data set from China, we investigate …
for developing and transition economies. Using a panel data set from China, we investigate …
A unified framework for measuring preferences for schools and neighborhoods
P Bayer, F Ferreira, R McMillan - Journal of political …, 2007 - journals.uchicago.edu
This paper develops a framework for estimating household preferences for school and
neighborhood attributes in the presence of sorting. It embeds a boundary discontinuity …
neighborhood attributes in the presence of sorting. It embeds a boundary discontinuity …
Centralized versus decentralized provision of local public goods: a political economy approach
This paper takes a fresh look at the trade-off between centralized and decentralized
provision of local public goods. It argues that the sharing of the costs of local public …
provision of local public goods. It argues that the sharing of the costs of local public …