Teknik self-management untuk meningkatkan nilai karakter mandiri belajar siswa

A Khairani, A Sugianto… - Jurnal Bimbingan Dan …, 2022 - ojs.uniska-bjm.ac.id
Siswa yang memiliki nilai karakter mandiri belajar rendah akan mempengaruhi kepada
tinggi rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendiskipsikan dan …

A Guidebook of Group Guidance Services with Role Play ContainsWelas Asih to Prevent Verbal Bullying

S Rahmawati, AJ Setiyowati… - Munaddhomah: Jurnal …, 2023 - pasca.jurnalikhac.ac.id
The act of verbal bullying is a feeling harsh, the impacts can be generated such are problem
of social, psychological and academic problems, from those impacts it is necessary to have …

Development and construct validation of Indonesian students self-confidance scale using Pearson product moment

R Hidayati, AS Kusmanto, A Kiswantoro - Pegem Journal of Education …, 2023 - pegegog.net
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate based on construct validity and
sampling validity on a self-confidence scale that can measure student self-confidence at the …

Psychoeducational groups based on Dasa Pitutur from Sunan Kalijaga: An indigenous counseling to enhance other group orientation

M Mulawarman, ZN Amin, M Muslikah… - Jurnal Kajian …, 2024 - citeus.um.ac.id
Layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang dipopulerkan dari Barat tidak semua sesuai
dengan nilai-nilai lokal setempat. Oleh karena itu, konselor perlu mengakomodir nilai-nilai …

[PDF][PDF] Are high school students motivated to attend counseling

R Hariko - COUNS-EDU: The International Journal of Counseling …, 2018 - academia.edu
Counseling is the core of the implementation of guidance and counseling services at the
school as a whole. The success of counseling is a guarantee for the success of different …

[PDF][PDF] Students' motivation to attend group guidance based on gender and ethnic

R Hariko, H Nirwana, RP Fadli, I Ifdil… - … Journal of Research …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the
development of positive aspects and prevention of negative aspects of students, the …

Analisis komparatif self confidence siswa kelas khusus dan kelas reguler

S Santoso, R Hidayati - Jurnal Konseling Dan …, 2021 - jurnal.konselingindonesia.com
The purpose of this study was to compare the self-confidence of students in special classes
and regular classes and to know class differences. This study uses a quantitative approach …

The Meeting Point of Neo-Sufism and School Counselors Competencies

R Ridwan, A Sutoyo, A Mansur - Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan …, 2024 - citeus.um.ac.id
Neo-sufism is the recent Sufi movement that actively develops society. Historically, sufism
has brought forth arif billâh individuals who have great faith and devotion to Allah, excellent …

Implementasi Langkah Kerja Konseling Model Kipas dalam Mengembangkan Karakter Generasi Alpha

MN Naser, S Hamzah… - Edu Consilium: Jurnal …, 2022 - ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id
KIPAS counseling is a counseling framework based on indonesia's cultural value system.
The Alpha generation, which is quite unique today, requires BK teachers and stakeholders …

Konseling model kipas menjawab permasalahan santri dan guru bimbingan dan konseling di pondok pesantren

W Widiyanti, U Karimah… - Prosiding Seminar …, 2022 - conference.um.ac.id
Tujuan artikel ini untuk membahas tentang bagaimana konseling model KIPAS mampu
menjawab segala permasalahan santri dan guru bimbingan dan konseling di pondok …