[PDF][PDF] Modellare lo scavo archeologico: esperienze e tecniche a confronto
A D'Andrea, M Barbarino - Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2013 - unora.unior.it
1. Introduzione Sul piano della metodologia scientifica la catena documentaria,
indipendentemente dalle sue finalità e articolazioni in strati di complessità, racchiude un …
indipendentemente dalle sue finalità e articolazioni in strati di complessità, racchiude un …
Il rilievo archeologico con il laser scanner: luci e ombre
A D'Andrea - Il rilievo archeologico con il laser scanner: luci e ombre, 2011 - torrossa.com
Il punto di partenza prescelto non è di tipo tecnico; esso è ben sintetizzato dalle parole di
Mannoni (2000, p. 219):«non si può fare una buona archeologia, e cioè dei buoni …
Mannoni (2000, p. 219):«non si può fare una buona archeologia, e cioè dei buoni …
[PDF][PDF] Documenting Architectonic Heritage in Conflict Areas-The case of Saint Marina Church, Derynia, Cyprus
S Hermon, F Nicolucci, K Yiakoupi, A Kolosova… - 2013 - academia.edu
Documenting architectonic heritage is a broad term that many aspects depend on the aim of
the activity, such as conservation or restoration studies, history of architecture, static …
the activity, such as conservation or restoration studies, history of architecture, static …
[PDF][PDF] A London Charter's Visualization: The Ancient Hellenistic-Roman Theatre in Paphos
Is there any efficient and standard practise for visualizing Cultural Heritage virtual
environments in academic, educational, curatorial or commercial domain? This paper uses …
environments in academic, educational, curatorial or commercial domain? This paper uses …
An International, Yearly and Peer-Reviewed Journal. The eContent is Archived with Clockss and Portico.
F Pesando - torrossa.com
Vesuviana : an international journal of archaeological and historical studies on Pompeii and
Herculaneum : 6, 2014 Page 1 VESUVIANA Page 2 An International, Yearly and Peer-Reviewed …
Herculaneum : 6, 2014 Page 1 VESUVIANA Page 2 An International, Yearly and Peer-Reviewed …
[PDF][PDF] 3D Pipeline from Data Acquisition to Data Visualization of the Hellenistic-Roman Theatre of Paphos
In this paper is described the fusion of two different technologies for the three dimensional
acquisition of the Hellenistic-Roman Theatre of Paphos located at the island of Cyprus. A …
acquisition of the Hellenistic-Roman Theatre of Paphos located at the island of Cyprus. A …