Using Gottfredson's theory of circumscription and compromise to improve Latino students' school success

NN Ivers, A Milsom… - The Career Development …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Academic success among Latino youth is low relative to other racial/ethnic groups in the
United States. It is important that school counselors recognize factors that influence school …

Career adapt-abilities scale—Icelandic form: Psychometric properties and construct validity

G Vilhjálmsdóttir, GB Kjartansdóttir… - Journal of Vocational …, 2012 - Elsevier
This study examined the psychometric characteristics and construct validity of the Icelandic
form of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS-Iceland). The CAAS consists of four scales …

Ortaöğretimde okul terkinin bireysel ve kurumsal nedenleri: Şanlıurfa ili örneği

MF Karacabey - 2016 -
Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin okul terkine ilişkin temel gerekçelerini,
öğrenci görüşlerine dayalı olarak bu gerekçeleri nasıl meşrulaştırdıklarını, bu gerekçeleri …

First-year at university: The effect of academic employability skills and physical quality of life on students' well-being

M Baumann, ME Amara, S Karavdic, A Limbach-Reich - Work, 2014 -
BACKGROUND: With increasing access at European universities, supporting and promoting
the high education, students' mental well-being and generic employability capacities have …

La asociación entre los constructos vocacionales y los tipos de personalidad de Holland en estudiantes de bachillerato

MT Fernández-Nistal, JK Mora-Soto - REOP-Revista Española …, 2020 -
Desde enfoques teóricos diferentes, se ha señalado que la Rejilla Vocacional (RV) y el test
Búsqueda Autodirigida (SDS) son instrumentos valiosos en el proceso de exploración …

The big picture school model: Understanding the student experience

AL Alger - 2016 -
The outdated industrial education system, dropout crisis, and disengagement in the learning
process are not new issues within the educational debate and continue to raise concerns …

Reynsla og upplifun nemenda í 10. bekk af náms-og starfsfræðslu:„... þetta hjálpaði mér mikið að ákveða hvert ég vildi fara....“

JM Eiríksdóttir - 2014 -
Náms-og starfsval að loknum grunnskóla getur haft afdrifaríkar afleiðingar í lífi ungs fólks.
Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að heyra upplifun og reynslu nemenda í 10. bekk …

[图书][B] A case study of the experiences of students with disabilities who did not complete high school

R Wieringo - 2015 -
This case study explores the experiences of students with disabilities who have dropped out
of high school, so as to identify related factors that led to their decisions. Participants …

„Samfélagsmiðlar... væri besta leiðin til að ná til sem flestra “. Reynsla nemenda af náms-og starfsfræðslu og sýn þeirra á nýtingu samfélagsmiðla við slíka fræðslu

HML Pálmarsdóttir - 2019 -
Markmið rannsóknarinnar var tvíþætt, annars vegar að kanna upplifun og reynslu
þátttakenda af náms-og starfsfræðslu og hins vegar viðhorf þeirra á notkun samfélagsmiðla …

[PDF][PDF] The Making of a Profession: The Development of the Careers Profession in Iceland

G Vilhjálmsdóttir - Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries, 2020 -
Four elements of the history of guidance in Iceland are described, international co-operation,
policy and legislation, the professional association and finally education and training of …