Time delay

CAA de Carvalho, HM Nussenzveig - Physics Reports, 2002 - Elsevier
The concepts of time delay and dwell time in quantum mechanics, and their applications to
regular and chaotic scattering, to statistical mechanics, and to the tunneling time problem …

Working with WKB waves far from the semiclassical limit

H Friedrich, J Trost - Physics reports, 2004 - Elsevier
WKB wave functions are expected to be accurate approximations of exact quantum
mechanical wave functions mainly near the semiclassical limit of the quantum mechanical …

[图书][B] Quantum signatures of chaos

F Haake - 1991 - Springer
The distinction between level clustering and level repulsion is one of the quantum
analogues of the classical distinction between globally regular and predominantly chaotic …

[图书][B] Semiclassical physics

M Brack, R Bhaduri - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Semiclassical Physics Page 1 Page 2 Semiclassical Physics Page 3 Page 4 Semiclassical
Physics Matthias Brack University of Regensburg, Germany Raj at K. Bhaduri McMaster …

Influence of the Coulomb potential on above-threshold ionization: A quantum-orbit analysis beyond the strong-field approximation

XY Lai, C Poli, H Schomerus, CFDM Faria - Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
We perform a detailed analysis of how the interplay between the residual binding potential
and a strong laser field influences above-threshold ionization (ATI), employing a …

[图书][B] Semiclassical theory of mesoscopic quantum systems

K Richter, K Richter - 2000 - Citeseer
Mesoscopic physics has emerged as a new, interdisciplinary field combining concepts of
atomic, molecular, cluster, and condensed-matter physics. On the one hand mesoscopic …

Regular-to-chaotic tunneling rates: From the quantum to the semiclassical regime

S Löck, A Bäcker, R Ketzmerick, P Schlagheck - Physical review letters, 2010 - APS
We derive a prediction of dynamical tunneling rates from regular to chaotic phase-space
regions combining the direct regular-to-chaotic tunneling mechanism in the quantum regime …

Dynamical tunneling in mixed systems

SD Frischat, E Doron - Physical Review E, 1998 - APS
We study quantum-mechanical tunneling in mixed dynamical systems between symmetry-
related phase space tori separated by a chaotic layer. Considering, eg, the annular billiard …

[图书][B] Quantum evolution: An introduction to time-dependent quantum mechanics

JE Bayfield - 1999 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
A unique introduction to the concepts of quantum mechanics, Quantum Evolution addresses
the present status of time-dependent quantum mechanics for few-body systems with …

Resonance-and chaos-assisted tunneling in mixed regular-chaotic systems

C Eltschka, P Schlagheck - Physical review letters, 2005 - APS
We present evidence that nonlinear resonances govern the tunneling process between
symmetry-related islands of regular motion in mixed regular-chaotic systems. In a similar …