Analysis of the water, energy, food and land nexus using the system archetypes: A case study in the Jatiluhur reservoir, West Java, Indonesia
M Bahri - Science of the Total Environment, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper applies the system archetypes to investigate water, energy, food, and land nexus
(WEFLN) in the Jatiluhur reservoir, the largest reservoir in Indonesia. The Jatiluhur reservoir …
(WEFLN) in the Jatiluhur reservoir, the largest reservoir in Indonesia. The Jatiluhur reservoir …
Hukum Lingkungan
R Subekti, A Sulistiyono, WRA Rahmadewi… - 2023 -
Hukum lingkungan dalam lingkup disiplin ilmu hukum mempunyai ruang lingkup yang
sangat komplek. Artinya pengkajian hukum lingkungan pendekatannya tidak cukup …
sangat komplek. Artinya pengkajian hukum lingkungan pendekatannya tidak cukup …
Preliminary assessment of river ecosystem services in the volcanic area of Mount Merapi, Indonesia
River ecosystem services (RES) are vulnerable to landscape changes mainly by volcanic
eruptions. Therefore, this study aims to assess RES in the volcanic area which was affected …
eruptions. Therefore, this study aims to assess RES in the volcanic area which was affected …
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Daerah Aliran Sungai Melalui Pengembangan Usaha Budaya Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.)
EBS Haryani, CP Adi, AK Pranoto… - Jurnal …, 2022 -
Abstract The Citarum watershed in Karawang has not been used productively to empower
the community. How to use the Citarum watershed for fish cultivation is an important issue …
the community. How to use the Citarum watershed for fish cultivation is an important issue …
Jatiluhur Water Quality at Various Depth
E Wardhani, ZA Sugiarti - Jurnal Presipitasi: Media Komunikasi …, 2021 -
The Jatiluhur Reservoir is an important building in West Java Province whose dams the
Citarum River. The location of the Jatiluhur Reservoir, which is the most downstream of the …
Citarum River. The location of the Jatiluhur Reservoir, which is the most downstream of the …
Analisis Karakteristik Fisik-Kimiawi Air Daerah Aliran Sungai Citarum Di Waduk Jatiluhur
Waduk Jatiluhur, salah satu objek vital negara, yang berada di zona tengah DAS Citarum
merupakan penyuplai air baku air minum untuk Provinsi Jawa. Status kualitas air DAS …
merupakan penyuplai air baku air minum untuk Provinsi Jawa. Status kualitas air DAS …
[PDF][PDF] Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Ikan Corencang (Cyclocheilichthys apogon) Berdasarkan Aspek Biologi Ikan dan Selektivitas Alat Tangkap
Keanekaragaman jenis ikan yang terdapat di Waduk Jatiluhur cukup tinggi, salah satunya
adalah ikan Corencang (Cyclocheilichthys apogon) yang merupakan ikan introduksi …
adalah ikan Corencang (Cyclocheilichthys apogon) yang merupakan ikan introduksi …
The dynamics of organic pollutant pollution of phosphate, sulphate, nitrite, and nitrate parameters in Cengklik Reservoir water
A Krisnawati, M Masykuri, S Sunarto - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020 -
Ceng li Reservoir in Boyolali is a source of agricultural and fishery activities experiencing a
tendency for environmental degradation. The use of synthetic chemical fertilizers and animal …
tendency for environmental degradation. The use of synthetic chemical fertilizers and animal …
Risiko Sosial Penertiban Keramba Jaring Apung di Waduk Jatiluhur
N Kurniasari, T Apriliani… - Jurnal Sosial …, 2020 -
Eksekusi peraturan presiden Nomor 15/2018 di Waduk Jatiluhur melalui penertiban
Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA) tidak hanya akan merubah tatanan ekonomi namun juga …
Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA) tidak hanya akan merubah tatanan ekonomi namun juga …
Penentuan Mutu Air Waduk Jatiluhur Jawa Barat dengan Metode IP, Storet, CCME WQI sebagai Dampak Keramba Jaring Apung
M Mellyanawaty, S Nurhalimah… - Jurnal Teknologi …, 2024 -