[PDF][PDF] Analisis literasi digital mahasiswa
D Ririen, F Daryanes - Research and Development Journal of …, 2022 - academia.edu
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan informasi di abad 21 membuat banyak perubahan
dan tantangan di kalangan masyarakat tidak terkecuali mahasiswa yang merupakan salah …
dan tantangan di kalangan masyarakat tidak terkecuali mahasiswa yang merupakan salah …
Developing Flipbook-Based Teaching-Learning Material in the Culinary Arts Program of Unimed.
The digital era requires learning materials which is easily accessible online or offline. This
research and development study aims to develop flipbook-based teaching-learning material …
research and development study aims to develop flipbook-based teaching-learning material …
Pengaruh Academic Self Efficacy terhadap Penyesuaian Akademik Mahasiswa pada Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh
G Safira - Jurnal Riset Psikologi, 2021 - journals.unisba.ac.id
One of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic is the transfer of face-to-face learning
methods to online learning methods. These method changes, causing students need to …
methods to online learning methods. These method changes, causing students need to …
Profil kemampuan literasi digital pada mahasiswa pendidikan kimia FKIP Untan sebagai calon guru
Mahasiswa program pendidikan sebagai seorang calon guru harus dapat memanfaatkan
teknologi digital untuk mendesain pembelajaran yang aktif. Fokus penelitian ini untuk …
teknologi digital untuk mendesain pembelajaran yang aktif. Fokus penelitian ini untuk …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring Factors Influencing Student's Learning Difficulties During Pandemic in Indonesia: A Structural Equation Modelling.
O Setiasih, W Setiawardani, E Yusron - European Journal of …, 2023 - pdf.eu-jer.com
The pandemic era has caused changes in the learning system. The situation demanded
online learning and triggered students to have learning difficulties. The research aims to …
online learning and triggered students to have learning difficulties. The research aims to …
Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial terhadap Minat Belajar Statistika Mahasiswa Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran UNESA di Era COVID-19
CT Putri, N Trisnawati - Edukatif: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2022 - edukatif.org
Bencana COVID-19 menyebabkan pergeseran dari pembelajaran konvensional ke
pembelajaran virtual. Tindakan ini dilakukan untuk menghindari persebaran virus yang …
pembelajaran virtual. Tindakan ini dilakukan untuk menghindari persebaran virus yang …
Profil Pembelajaran Akademik Mahasiswa Pada Matakuliah Fisiologi Tumbuhan di Masa Pandemi COVID-19:(Academic Learning Profile of Students in Plant …
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, students around the world cannot go to college.
However, education must continue. Likewise, online plant physiology lectures take place …
However, education must continue. Likewise, online plant physiology lectures take place …
[HTML][HTML] Development of Electronic Test Instruments Through Vinesa to Improve Statistical Reasoning Ability on Tendency Central Materials
H Setyaedhi, R Rusijono… - AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal …, 2024 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
This study aims to assess the feasibility of developing an e-test instrument for statistics
courses on central tendency material so that student learning outcomes can increase. The …
courses on central tendency material so that student learning outcomes can increase. The …
Analysis of Student Learning Difficulties in Plants Physiology Online Lectures During Pandemic of COVID–19
The COVID-19 pandemic made higher education institutes support online education.
Searching for the learning difficulties of students who have gone through lectures online …
Searching for the learning difficulties of students who have gone through lectures online …
The difficulty of Physics education students class 2018 in studying quantum physics courses online
R Almianai, S Soewarno, A Farhan… - Asian Journal of Science …, 2022 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
Problem-solving in the Quantum Physics course which requires a very mathematical
description and analysis is considered difficult by students, especially if the learning is done …
description and analysis is considered difficult by students, especially if the learning is done …