Interglacials of the last 800,000 years

Past Interglacials Working Group of … - Reviews of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Interglacials, including the present (Holocene) period, are warm, low land ice extent (high
sea level), end‐members of glacial cycles. Based on a sea level definition, we identify …

Marine ecosystem responses to Cenozoic global change

RD Norris, SK Turner, PM Hull, A Ridgwell - Science, 2013 -
The future impacts of anthropogenic global change on marine ecosystems are highly
uncertain, but insights can be gained from past intervals of high atmospheric carbon dioxide …

Sea-level and deep-sea-temperature variability over the past 5.3 million years

EJ Rohling, GL Foster, KM Grant, G Marino, AP Roberts… - Nature, 2014 -
Ice volume (and hence sea level) and deep-sea temperature are key measures of global
climate change. Sea level has been documented using several independent methods over …

Climate sensitivity, sea level and atmospheric carbon dioxide

J Hansen, M Sato, G Russell… - … Transactions of the …, 2013 -
Cenozoic temperature, sea level and CO2 covariations provide insights into climate
sensitivity to external forcings and sea-level sensitivity to climate change. Climate sensitivity …

Sea-level variability over five glacial cycles

KM Grant, EJ Rohling, CB Ramsey, H Cheng… - Nature …, 2014 -
Research on global ice-volume changes during Pleistocene glacial cycles is hindered by a
lack of detailed sea-level records for time intervals older than the last interglacial. Here we …

Collapse of polar ice sheets during the stage 11 interglacial

ME Raymo, JX Mitrovica - Nature, 2012 -
Contentious observations of Pleistocene shoreline features on the tectonically stable islands
of Bermuda and the Bahamas have suggested that sea level about 400,000 years ago was …

Early Levallois core technology between marine isotope stage 12 and 9 in Western Europe

MH Moncel, N Ashton, M Arzarello, F Fontana… - Journal of human …, 2020 - Elsevier
Early Levallois core technology is usually dated in Europe to the end of Marine Isotope
Stage (MIS) 9 and particularly from the beginning of MIS 8 to MIS 6. This technology is …

Pleistocene water intrusions from the Mediterranean and Caspian seas into the Black Sea

S Badertscher, D Fleitmann, H Cheng, RL Edwards… - Nature …, 2011 -
The hydrological balance of the Black Sea is governed by riverine input and by the
exchange with the Mediterranean Sea through the shallow Bosporus Strait. These sources …

Towards a glacial‐sensitive model of island biogeography

JM Fernández‐Palacios, KF Rijsdijk… - Global Ecology and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Although the role that P leistocene glacial cycles have played in shaping the present biota of
oceanic islands world‐wide has long been recognized, their geographical, biogeographical …

Determining the natural length of the current interglacial

PC Tzedakis, JET Channell, DA Hodell, HF Kleiven… - Nature …, 2012 -
No glacial inception is projected to occur at the current atmospheric CO2 concentrations of
390 ppmv (ref.). Indeed, model experiments suggest that in the current orbital configuration …