[图书][B] Developing the right to social security-a gender perspective

B Goldblatt - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
The right to social security, found in international law and in the constitutions of many
nations, contributes to the alleviation of poverty globally. Social security and its articulation …

[图书][B] The forgotten people: Liberal and conservative approaches to recognising indigenous peoples

D Freeman, S Morris - 2016 - researchers.mq.edu.au
Abstract The Forgotten People challenges the assumption that constitutional recognition of
indigenous Australians is a project of the left in Australia. It demonstrates that there may be a …

Committees of influence: Parliamentary committees with the capacity to change Australia's counter-terrorism laws

S Moulds - Australasian Parliamentary Review, 2016 - search.informit.org
Parliament's reputation rests on its capacity to engage effectively with the community it
represents and its ability to perform its core functions. These functions include the enactment …

Constitutional Change: Towards Better Human Rights Protection in Australia

M Ibrahim - Const. Rev., 2019 - HeinOnline
Many legal scholars contend that Australia does not have a charter of rights in its
Constitution. The legal scholar Rosalind Dixon, however, suggests that the Constitution …

Australians' Right to be Bigoted: Protecting Minorities' Rights from the Tyranny of the Majority

J Rudge - Brook. J. Int'l L., 2015 - HeinOnline
The essence of racial vilification is that it encourages disrespect of others because of their
association with the racial group to whom they belong. That kind of stigmatisation and its …

Constitutional design and Australian exceptionalism in the adoption of national bills of rights

B Stone, N Barry - Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue …, 2014 - cambridge.org
Why has Australia not followed Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom in adopting
a formal bill of rights at the national level? We argue that the Australian Constitution has …

[PDF][PDF] History of Access to Schooling for Children in Australia's Immigration Detention Centres 1989 to 2005

S Fracchia - research.usc.edu.au
In Australia, for a significant and appreciable time spanning over a decade from when the
detention of asylum-seekers commenced in 1989 until 2002, most child asylum-seekers did …

Public Impact

S Moulds, S Moulds - … of Influence: Parliamentary Rights Scrutiny and …, 2020 - Springer
This chapter sets out evidence of the public impact of the four parliamentary committees
studied on the case study Acts.'Public impact'means evidence that the parliamentary …

The Australian Landscape and the Making of Counter-Terrorism Laws

S Moulds, S Moulds - … of Influence: Parliamentary Rights Scrutiny and …, 2020 - Springer
Understanding the institutional context of Australia's parliamentary committee system is
critical when evaluating the impact of this system on the case study Acts and identifying …

Political rights review and political party cohesion

FF Davis - Parliamentary Affairs, 2016 - academic.oup.com
Australia is often said to be the only democratic nation without a national Bill of Rights,
Human Rights Act or other general human rights law. This presents a certain set of …